Having a shortage of confidence is guaranteed to hinder legal nurse consulting success. In contrast, learn to treat yourself as the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant attorneys expect you to be and watch how they treat you with the utmost respect and regard.
Here are 6 strategies for becoming the legal nurse consultant attorneys expect you to be:
- Validate yourself. Words have impact – yes even the words you say to yourself, so create words and thoughts in your head that affirm you and your strengths.
- Trust your own voice. Another’s applause can’t be the driver for believing in yourself. It’s up to you (not someone else) to claim who you are.
- Start and end each day with a positive person who’s on your team. This simple act will reinforce just how awesome you are. Trust me – you can’t buy into the naysayers and expect to succeed.
- Stage yourself for success. Start a New Year every day. Forget about the mistakes of yesterday. You’re not the first to make them and you won’t be the last. Give yourself permission to start over – every day.
- Move toward fear more often. Moving toward fear is the fastest way to overcome it. Doubt chips away at your psyche. When you stretch and do what you’re afraid to do, the next challenge isn’t nearly as scary.
- Remember who you are – an RN. You manage emergencies as easily as making the bed in the morning. When you experience a lack of confidence approaching an attorney or working on a legal nurse consultant job, remember my motto: “We are Nurses and We Can Do Anything!”® and plow forward with all the knowledge and expertise you possess.
With these 6 strategies you can easily become the legal nurse consultant attorneys expect you to be. Start being that legal nurse today.
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment and share your own strategies for treating yourself as the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant attorneys expect you to be.
I am interested in legal nurse consulting. I was married to a lawyer previously and I do have some knowledge as to the way attorneys think. I have been a nurse many years and feel I have a vast array of knowledge and experience to share.