
Should the Government Stay Out of Drug Development? Read the Opinions of Nurses and Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

The government recently announced that it would fund a billion-dollar government-run drug development center to help create new drugs. The “National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences” will be tasked with creating new drugs and, according to the Director of the NIH, “any project that reaches the point of commercial appeal would be moved out of the academic support line and into the private sector.”

What a Roast Chicken Recipe Can Do for Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Last night I roasted a chicken for dinner and Tom declared that it was the best roast chicken he’d ever eaten. Even I had to admit it was darned good. But I didn’t set out to roast a superlative chicken; I set out to make a quick and easy dinner. So how did I get to superlative? Easy. Cooking, like legal nurse consulting, starts with the right tools. The right tools, whether it’s my favorite antique cast iron roasting pan or your CLNC® Certification Program, can enhance even the most inexperienced person’s abilities. The right tools make me a better cook and they can make you a better Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Pop-Off the Pop-Ups on Your Legal Nurse Consulting Computer

Today I’ll tell you how to eliminate something that’s extremely annoying, but we’ll do it by attempting something risky. We’re going to eliminate those goofy pop-up balloons that show up in the bottom right side of your computer screen (also known as the “System Tray”) when you send a legal nurse consulting report to your printer or when your computer discovers a wireless network is available. If you don’t have a problem with those pop-up notifications, skip today’s Tech Tip and come back next week for something completely different.

I haven’t figured out how to do this in Windows 7 yet, but if you’re using Microsoft® XP or Vista® and want to rid yourself of these pop-up notification balloons, it can be done. It is slightly complicated and should only be attempted by a highly-skilled and trained professional Certified Legal Nurse Consultant or their tech-skilled troubleshooting 13-year-old computer wizard. I call it risky because we’ll be editing your Windows® Registry. Normally when I think of editing the Registry the famous hockey phrase “Get the puck out of there!” comes to mind. But it’s really not as dangerous as I make it sound,

Are You Sucking Up to Your Attorney-Clients Just a Little Too Much?

My staff at LegalNurse.com are strong, opinionated and sometimes even mouthy – just the way I like them. When we hire a new employee I sometimes notice that at first they’re reluctant to give an opinion that’s different from the majority of the outspoken. They are often a little slow to speak up and when they do it’s obvious they’re just tagging onto the others. It’s like the new person is afraid to get off the fence and jump down onto either side until they know what side everybody else is on. Here in Texas, if you’re sitting on a fence in a pasture full of longhorn cattle that may be a good idea. But when you’re in my conference room, it’s not a tactic for success with me or with the rest of the staff.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Can I Buy Software for My Legal Nurse Consulting Business from Craigslist?

Yet another question I get, “Can I buy equipment and software for my legal nurse consulting business from sources other than legitimate retailers?” For office furniture or equipment such as filing cabinets, etc. you can save some money buying from Craigslist or other used equipment sites. If you’re buying electronic printers, copiers, scanners, etc. you run the risk of getting something damaged or worse, compromised goods.

15 Fun Things to Do on the 2011 NACLNC® Conference Cruise

I am so enjoying all of your communications in anticipation of the 2011 NACLNC® Conference Cruise. I can’t wait to spend those seven days with all of you. Until we meet up on March 13th, here are 15 ideas for having the most fun possible on our cruise.

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

I’ve just returned from what Tom and I call our Great Christmas Migration. Every year over Christmas and New Year’s we crisscross the country visiting family and friends, and then we close out the year with renewal time for just the two of us. On one flight, after putting away our electronics and during the landing pattern, I was catching up on my reading. I was struck by an article on the Great Migrations in the November, 2010 issue of National Geographic Magazine. The article spoke to the way migrating animals become so focused on their mission that they pass up the opportunity to eat. It mentioned one of my least favorite birds, the Arctic Tern. Remembering being attacked by them in Iceland, I talk about them in the video below.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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