If you want to introduce yourself as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to a lot of attorneys in a short period of time, consider going where they go. You might not get invited to their parties, but you can attend the conferences they attend. Check the legal conferences in your area that relate to your CLNC® business: medical malpractice, personal injury, products liability, toxic tort, workers’ compensation or criminal cases and sign up to exhibit.
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Susan Schaab, RN, BSN, CLNC shares: “I attend the trial lawyers’ association seminars related to medical malpractice and personal injury cases. I have come home with a new attorney-client or case every time. Even better is the thrill I experience when one of my attorney-clients, who is a highly respected plaintiff-attorney, introduces me as his CLNC consultant!”
At the legal conference, make it your goal to network professionally and to talk to as many attorneys as possible. Soon the attorneys will be introducing you as their Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to all of their attorney peers.
I’m Just Sayin’
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