
Always Dress for CLNC® Success (Even If You’re Just Getting the Mail)

Our more casual attire doesn’t always set us up strategically for spontaneously meeting attorney-prospects. Professional Certified Legal Nurse Consultants know there’s such a thing as comfortable, too comfortable and way too comfortable, and they dress accordingly anytime they step out the door.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: How to Protect Yourself Digitally

All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants have heard the news about the increasing numbers of major companies who have had credit cards and other personal data accessed by hackers. More and more of these breaches have involved personal information as well as credit card numbers. If your data has been included in the information that was “hacked” you’ve probably received a notice from either that merchant (Target, Neiman Marcus, etc.) or from your credit card company that you need to protect yourself. Given that the bad guys apparently have addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, those miscreants now have many ways to contact you also.

Social Media Warnings for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Social Media Warnings for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Social media accounts such as Facebook®, Twitter®, Instagram® and their like present a wealth of potentially damaging information for both plaintiff and defense. Many people leave those accounts open to public viewing, indexing and searching. It’s common and considered standard practice for attorneys to review the public and private social media accounts of their own client and the public social media accounts of the opposing parties, expert witnesses and even jurors for potentially useful or damaging information. Attorneys research those social media accounts before, during and after litigation.

Many account owners set the privacy settings to allow only “friends” or approved parties to view their posts. If an attorney requests you, as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, to “friend” or infiltrate an opposing party’s or juror’s private account, don’t do it. Attorneys are themselves ethically prohibited from doing so and ethically prevented from instructing someone else to do the same. The attorney should always obtain the information through the proper discovery process.

While social media is certainly a minefield,

9 Lessons Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Can Learn from Shark Tank

A friend asked me if I’d seen “Shark Tank.” I shared that I’ve dived and snorkeled in open waters with sharks in Fiji, the Galapagos and Maldives, but never in a shark tank. She laughed and said, “I’m talking about the television show in which entrepreneurs pitch their business plan to a group of multi-millionaire entrepreneurs (and a billionaire or two) in hopes of getting investment money to launch or grow a business.”

The show sounded just as interesting as swimming with real sharks and after checking it out I came away with some insights that entrepreneurial-thinking Certified Legal Nurse Consultants can use in your CLNC® businesses.

  1. It’s your money and you work really hard for it – and you have to keep doing so to keep money coming in. Don’t expect to be able to slack off once you’re a successful nurse entrepreneur.
  2. Don’t live in a bubble – it will burst if you don’t keep up with your marketing. I have a saying “after the marketing, the marketing.” When you’re the busiest in your CLNC business you still need to market.
  3. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Promises to Make to Yourself

Promise #2 reminds us that the opposite of success is not failure. The opposite of success is NOT stepping out, NOT going for what you want in your life or your RN job – whether it’s legal nurse consulting, an advanced RN degree or simply going for a promotion. Every time you step out into the unknown, win or lose you succeed. You might get a rejection or two, or three, but you won’t end up at your hospital retirement party or 90th birthday party with nothing more than plain white cake, unspiked punch and regrets.


Sure, bad things can happen when we step out, but I believe worse things happen to our souls when we don’t.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share how you plan to go for it.


Tom’s Tech Tip: When the Weather’s Cool – It’s Time for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants to Get Cooler

Computer cables are pretty much all the same – black or white and sometimes shades of gray (but not 50). They’re functional, but not cool. If you’ve got a future CLNC® consultant in college or high school who has a birthday coming up – here’s the ideal gift: bungee-style USB cables that will work with any USB device – whether it’s an iPad®, iPod®, Android® or other USB device. They come in varying colors, styles and every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant will agree they are a terrific upgrade from that plain white Apple® cable.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Go Where the Attorneys Go

If you want to introduce yourself as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to a lot of attorneys in a short period of time, consider going where they go. You might not get invited to their parties, but you can attend the conferences they attend. Check the legal conferences in your area that relate to your CLNC® business: medical malpractice, personal injury, products liability, toxic tort, workers’ compensation or criminal cases and sign up to exhibit.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Susan Schaab, RN, BSN, CLNC shares: “I attend the trial lawyers’ association seminars related to medical malpractice and personal injury cases. I have come home with a new attorney-client or case every time. Even better is the thrill I experience when one of my attorney-clients, who is a highly respected plaintiff-attorney, introduces me as his CLNC consultant!”

At the legal conference, make it your goal to network professionally and to talk to as many attorneys as possible. Soon the attorneys will be introducing you as their Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to all of their attorney peers.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share your most effective way of meeting attorney-prospects.

The 7 Keys to Entrepreneurial Success for Nurses

As a successful business owner and entrepreneur who’s been in business for 32 years I’ve learned a lot of lessons the hard way. There were no classes or support groups for nurses that wanted to own businesses in 1982.

Here are 7 keys for entrepreneurial success I learned through the school of entrepreneurial hard knocks.

  1. Act like the entrepreneur you strive to be. Every encounter is a possible audition for an entrepreneurial opportunity. And the more you act the part, the more likely you’ll be cast for the position. Successful people like to work with other successful people. A harsh reality of life – the more successful you are, the more successful you are. Fair? I say “Yes!”

    And what if you don’t know how to act like a successful entrepreneur? My advice to you is simple: pay attention. Surround yourself with as many mentors as possible. Study and model them. And as a side note, remember to dress the part, too. I don’t want to see your belly button, tattoos or boobs hanging out.

  2. Go big or go home. It’s human nature for even successful nurse entrepreneurs to want to check the small,
Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Promises to Make to Yourself

Promise #1 reminds us that we don’t have two-compartment lives – an RN life and a personal life. We only have one life. You can’t turn passion off at your RN job and go home and turn it on again – you just can’t.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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