Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: Creating and Editing Tables in Word® Made Easy for CLNC® Consultants

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants have long used Microsoft® Word as their word-processing program of choice. Word has advantages and disadvantages, but its biggest advantage (to me) is its ability to quickly and easily create, insert and edit tables.

Tables are indispensable for CLNC consultants creating reports for attorney-clients. A landscape printed table has all sorts of room for creating timelines, inserting dates, players/parties and adherences to, and deviations from, the standard of care – along with pithy analysis from the CLNC consultant working up the case. Tables, if used correctly, also allow you to quickly sort and resort by a particular cell – it may be time, date or player – so long as you’re consistent in your formatting of the text you’ll be sorting by.

There’s a couple of ways to learn to work with tables – you can learn it the way I did, which was the hard way, through trial and error, taking lots of time and making lots of mistakes. Or you can do it the easy way which involves taking a tutorial. I recommend the easy way (it’s fast too). Once you’ve learned how to use tables you’ll find myriad ways to put them into use for your CLNC business.

One Travel Tip Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Needs to Know

At the CLNC® Certification Seminar in Chicago this week a new Certified Legal Nurse Consultant shared that she just met her first attorney-client at the Chicago airport. I hear this story a lot. Traveling is a great opportunity to meet attorneys and people who know attorneys. CLNC consultants, attorneys and airports are a natural combination. This Certified Legal Nurse Consultant was well-dressed and well-spoken and I’m sure she did a great job of presenting herself.

Air travel is the one industry that is in a retrograde mode, moving backwards in terms of quality, comfort and value. This tends to encourage people to dress down to travel – shorts, flip-flops, yoga tops and Lululemon pants. I understand dressing comfortably to travel. I do it myself, but the last time I checked there was no place on a United 767 to put out your mat and do a couple of downward dogs.

You can network with anyone who is within three feet of you including when you are traveling. But who’s going to make the better presentation? The woman in the sweatpants with “Juicy” across her butt (whether it is or not) or the CLNC consultant who is dressed comfortably but professionally?

CLNC® Alert: Article Reveals Autopsies Are Dying

All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants know that an autopsy can help to prove or disprove causation in a medical malpractice case. In fact, some plaintiff attorneys will not pursue a case without one. It’s the plaintiff who has the burden of proof. Without an autopsy the defense can muddy the waters and come up with all kinds of creative explanations for the cause of death.

This article poses the question of whether autopsies are already dead. It also reveals the shocking reality of just how few non-forensic autopsies are performed in the U.S. Whether you’re consulting for the plaintiff or defense, this article is a must-read for CLNC consultants.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share your thoughts on why so few autopsies are performed.

Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Take Time for Living

Successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants can work 24/7, but why would you want to? You launched and grew your CLNC® business to have more, not less, life! You have to take time for living, or you’ll never find it.


How do you take time for living as a CLNC consultant?

I’m Just Askin’

P.S. Comment and share how you to take time for living.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Here’s 5 Ways to Speed Up Your Phone

This Tech Tip is directed at all CLNC® consultants – iPhone® or Android® phone users. Last week’s Tech Tip was about why your phone is frozen harder than a tub of my favorite Blue Bell Pecan Pralines ‘n Cream Ice Cream (pronounced prah-leen – not pray-lean).  Today, I’ll give you some tips to speed it up so it runs a little faster than a can of Steen’s Pure Cane Syrup (pronounced stean – not stehn).

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants who are Android and iPhone users will follow similar but slightly different steps, but the general concepts remain the same. The biggest cause of a slow phone is you’ve used up all the memory with music, videos, apps and more. Here’s 5 ways to fix a slow phone:

  1. Dump the cache on your web browser and clear out your cookies.  We all surf the Web on our phones – looking up information and comparing prices when we shop.  All those cached files and cookies take up memory and space – clear’em out.
  2. Delete or turn off apps you don’t use.
What is a Legal Nurse Consultant?

Infographic: What is a Legal Nurse Consultant?

“What is a legal nurse consultant?”

It’s a question I’ve been asked thousands of times and one that I’m always excited to answer. However, today I’m going to answer it a little differently. I’m not going to tell you, I want to show you.

3 Ways You Should Be Investing in Yourself

Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest under an assumed name and didn’t even make the finals. How could that possibly happen? He was Charlie Chaplin! Because no one expected Charlie Chaplin to enter a look-a-like contest for himself. The reality – we see what we want to see and what we expect to see. The lesson – we can’t always trust our own perceptions.

Vickie Milazzo’s Favorite Quotes

Vickie’s Favorite Quotes – Freya Stark

When what we believe and what we do are not congruent, something has to give. And as Freya Stark suggests, that something is our own happiness.
Check in today and ask yourself “Did my actions reflect what I believe?” If you answer “yes,” you are undoubtedly a very happy person. If your answer is “no,” honor the integrity of your beliefs with more congruent action and your happiness will soar.

I’m Just Sayin’

P.S. Comment and share what you do to honor the integrity of your beliefs.

CLNC® Success Story: CLNC Consultant Kris Wilder Shares Success with Social Media

CLNC® Success Story: CLNC Consultant Kris Wilder Shares Success with Social Media

Networking is one of the marketing strategies that all successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants have in common. The instant credibility achieved from networking makes it one of the best ways to get your foot in the door with attorney-prospects. Here Kris Wilder, RN, BSN, CLNC, shares how she was referred to a medical malpractice attorney when she networked with friends on social media.

Congratulations Kris!

P.S. Comment here to congratulate Kris on her CLNC success.

P.P.S. Read more CLNC Success Stories and send your CLNC Success Story to [email protected].

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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