
What’s Inside Every American, Vietnamese, Polish and Indonesian Woman Today?

Yesterday I learned that the Vietnamese version of my Wall Street Journal bestseller Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now was published.

When you sell the foreign rights, the new publisher creates a new cover, usually different than the original U.S. version. As a result, it’s fun to see how each country treats the cover of my book and how it varies from country to country.

Take a look at these Inside Every Woman book covers, comment and vote for your favorite!

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Which of these 10 Strengths: Fire, Renewal, Intuitive Vision, Engagement, Agility, Genius, Integrity, Endurance, Enterprise, Renewal, Female Fusion® are you using for your legal nurse consulting business today?

Ask Vickie: Duplicate Records

I am reviewing records on a case and I am summarizing them into a written chronological report for my attorney-client. I have received multiple records from different facilities and I noticed that some of the facilities’ records are duplicates of records I received from other facilities. Do I still include them in my report even though they are repeats?
Tracy Z., RN, CLNC

Why Are You and Starbucks® Giving Away Free Coffee?

When the weather is as glorious as it’s been here in Texas this spring, Tom and I’ll often take an early morning walk to one of our local Starbucks – we have five to choose from but only one serves free coffee consistently. How do you get free coffee at Starbucks? Easy – go to the one where the staff has developed the bad habit of not being ready when the doors open.
I don’t know if it’s a Starbucks corporate policy, but it’s certainly a policy at this local Starbucks that if you show up after they open and they’re out of coffee, or even worse, haven’t brewed it yet, they’ll give you your coffee for free (if you can stand the waiting around for your caffeine-fix).

Get Out and Retie the Connection Over Fried Oysters and Seafood Gumbo

I recently got together with one of my oldest attorney-clients over some fried oysters and seafood gumbo. Now I’m not talking about his age, but about how long we’ve worked together. He was my first attorney-client when I started my legal nurse consulting business.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Clean Up Your Act (and Your PC While You’re at It)

Every computer has cookies. Some come from the Internet and are auto-stored on your hard drive in your web browser. Others are stored in your keyboard – they’re the detritus of all those years of Oreos you’ve munched on while hunched over your computer. What’s a CLNC consultant to do other than start a carb-free diet?

Nursing Layoffs Are Getting Serious (and Sudden)

It’s hard to believe that in my lifetime I’d ever see layoffs in the nursing field. Like many of you, I remember the good times when there were billboards around my city advertising signing bonuses for nurses at local hospitals. That’s all changing. Two recent articles in the Wall Street Journal (1) (2) and one in the Washington Post are focusing on the fact that, while there is still a nursing shortage, there is now a shortage of nursing jobs. That sounds like a contradiction in terms but it’s not.

Ask Vickie: Ride the Horse

My father is very active politically in our county and surrounding counties. He is well respected and loved. He is going to set up a meeting for me with two prominent judges so I can introduce them to my CLNC services. These judges know every attorney in my county. Is it okay to use the judges’ names when speaking with the attorney contacts they provide me?
Debbie, RN, CLNC

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Market FREE with Your Email Signature

Let’s look at what email signature files can do for your legal nurse consulting business. All of us use email, some of us use it sparingly, others incessantly and a few for actual business communication (you know – not “mom-spam”). In the good old days of snail mail, people sent letters using a decent grade of actual bond paper with a letterhead printed at the top – that was the signature file. Today in our increasingly paperless society, business emails are sent with a signature file at the end to promote the business and its services to every recipient.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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