
It’s Not How Hard You Work as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant – It’s Your Form That Matters

This morning I was at the gym working out with my trainer Jerome. I was genuinely kicking some butt, although I’m sure Jerome’s point of view was that I was getting my butt kicked. A woman ten years older than I am works out in my gym and literally throws herself into her routine with an intensity that would put women half her age to shame. She determinedly works out with a serious-looking routine of core exercises built around a Pilates® ball, a floor mat and lots of dumbbells. She’s disciplined, dedicated and hard-working but she’s not getting any discernable results. Why? Because her form is off. She flails around like a fish out of water, moving her arms and legs in a manner that’s almost spastic and looks like she’s just been hit by a Taser®. When she’s working out, we all give her a wide berth because we never know in which direction she’ll suddenly lurch or move.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Are You Helping Your Attorney-Clients Fully Use Their Technology?

Last week I participated in a site visit to the location of Stedman Graham and Vickie’s upcoming Women Embracing Leadership event. Part of the purpose of the visit was to check out the presentation technology and to get the lay of the land. Vickie presented her Inside Every Woman seminar there several years ago but we needed to ensure that their presentation tech was up-to-date. Happily I can report to my CLNC® amigos that it has!

Korean Women Can Now Learn What Strengths are Inside Every Woman!

Today is such an exciting day! I received four copies of the Korean translation of my book Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now. The cover is so different from any of the other translations of the book and seeing a new cover is one of the most fun things about the foreign translations.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: What’s a Keyboard Worth to My Legal Nurse Consulting Business?

I recently had to replace Vickie’s super-small laptop with a cool fast machine running Window® 7. In our home office she runs it from a docking station like I do. Part of the laptop replacement process involved running the new laptop side-by-side with her old one until we were sure all the settings, programs, etc. were identical on both machines. When I’d matched it all up and it was time to swap them out, I realized that although the new dock has lots of USB ports there’s not one good-old-fashioned PS2 port (PS2 connectors are those round plugs full of pins used to connect your keyboard and mouse). The station also didn’t have a VGA (video graphics array – old school) plug for the monitor, but Vickie’s cinema-sized monitor has a DV-I (digital video interface – new school) connector and it plugged right in, as did her rollerball mouse, external speakers, Dragon Naturally Speaking headset, webcam, charging cables for her iPhone® and her BlueAnt® headset and extension cables for her digital camera and Flip® video recorder.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Send Reports to Your Attorney-Clients – Not Microsoft

In my last Tuesday Tech Tip I helped Certified Legal Nurse Consultants eliminate annoying pop-up messages that show up above your Windows® System Tray whenever you send a print job, when your computer discovers a wireless network or if your computer simply gets chatty. This week we tackle another of my pet peeves – Windows Error Reporting. I’m certain that everyone out there who is not on a Mac® has enjoyed the experience of having a window pop up in the middle of your work notifying you that some cryptic service or program has failed and asks you if you want to report it to Microsoft®.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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