Vickie Milazzo’s Favorite Quotes

Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Needs Deadlines – Just Ask Walt Disney

Successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants know it’s as much, if not more, their responsibility to set deadlines with attorney-clients as it is the attorney’s. They also know never to agree to a deadline they can’t meet. But what about the deadlines you set for yourself to ensure you never drop the ball on a medical-related case? As Walt Disney said, “Everyone needs deadlines.” And not one of us is an exception.

Legal Nurse Consultant Success Story

CLNC® Success Story: A Day in the Life of CLNC Consultant Susan Schaab

For more than 20 years I worked as a staff nurse, and although the type of facility and specialty changed many times the work did not. Every day I had a narrow window of time when I was allowed to clock in or out. I am habitually on time (meaning I have to get to work about 10-15 minutes early or I am late), so periodically I would get a reprimand for clocking in too early. Then there was the constant scrambling and juggling to complete my work and documentation or be dinged for too much overtime. Somewhere along the line, I managed to stay organized and punctual while delivering great patient care, but the fun of nursing would always be sapped from my job. Then I found Vickie and life as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: What’s the Next Best Thing to a CLNC® GWP?

Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant loves a GWP – that’s a “gift with purchase” – as if you didn’t know. One of my favorite things about Vickie getting a GWP is that I get the goofy little pouches that were previously filled with goodies.

There’s No Space for Vigilantes in Legal Nurse Consulting

It is critical to stay detached when you’re analyzing medical-related cases as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Our job is not to be a vigilante for injured people or the protector of overworked, underpaid registered nurses. Our job is to give an objective viewpoint of the merits of the case. Sometimes that means telling a defense attorney that the case is meritorious. And sometimes it means telling a plaintiff attorney the case has no merit despite unfortunate injuries.

New Lawsuits for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Fake Drugs

A recent USA Today article reported that 10% of all drugs (including both prescription and over-the-counter medications) sold globally are counterfeit or may contain diluted versions of the real product or non-active and possibly harmful ingredients. The Internet has contributed to the proliferation of counterfeit drugs as consumers seek to save money by purchasing drugs from discount websites. In some cases drug manufacturers are cutting corners, seeking low-cost (and unsupervised) suppliers to keep costs down. Both practices present a dangerous mix for consumers.

Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Is It Time for a Stretch?

When we welcome change and expand our agility, we realize that what we thought of as our “natural state” will never return to its former stiff and monotonous self. We find ourselves in a new space, one of unlimited options.

Take This Survey To See How Stressed You Are

After announcing our new stress survey Are You Way Too Stressed? on May 13, I was amazed to see that more than 1,900 of you have already taken time in your busy schedules to take the survey. From the data collected, we will be able to learn about the causes and effects of stress, and I can’t wait to share the results with you and the nursing community. I’ve seen an incredible response from RNs of all ages, backgrounds and specialties which suggests stress has no favorites.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: Staying Up-to-Date on Technology Is Not that Difficult for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

I love technology and I love that fact that it changes constantly. I bemoan the fact that every leap forward with one device or technology often means a leap backward in another. But that’s also known as the learning curve. The more things change the better things will be – or so I believe. That being said, attorneys and CLNC consultants need a good resource to keep themselves ahead, or at least aware, of the latest advances in technology that could affect their law or legal nurse consulting practices.

If Flat Irons Have Warranties Shouldn’t Medical Devices?

GM has been in the news a lot lately for defects in ignition switches and other parts. Defects in cars are covered by a strict liability theory in products liability cases. But while GM sat on the knowledge of the problem with its ignition switches for almost 10 years, most car companies are smart enough to recall the car and replace the defective part or fix the defect. In so doing, they prevent unnecessary injury and lawsuits. The duty to warn of known defects is required by law, and it should be. GM could have replaced the defective 57¢ part with a part that cost 90¢ more.

Informed Consent Is Anything But Informed

Informed consent is a patient right, but the recent FDA warning against using laparoscopic morcellators in hysterectomies due to an increased risk of spreading uterine sarcoma suggests that informed consent is, more often than not, uninformed consent. Johnson & Johnson already had warnings available to physicians in its instructions about morcellators.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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