Just when I thought I was maxed out and operating at full capacity, the universe threw a curve ball at me. I was left with no choice but to step up to the plate and face that curve ball head on. It’s in these situations that I summon my own personal Thought for Success “If you want the impossible done give it to a woman on fire.”
“Yes I can do this,” I encouraged myself. And I did, warming to the task and then getting fired up about it. I like to think I can handle a lot, but it’s always the universe who invites me to discover who I really am and what I’m capable of. That’s when I become that woman on fire accomplishing even more than I know I can.
How do you handle the curve balls of business and life? I hope your answer is to discover new and surprising things about you and maybe even becoming that woman (or man) on fire.
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment here and share how you handle the curve balls in your legal nurse consulting business.