
Testify Your Way to New Legal Nurse Consulting Business

I started my legal nurse consulting business with the intention of testifying, but working behind the scenes with attorneys was how I really built my business. Despite that fact, I was always open to testifying and did so occasionally. And that’s exactly what you should do when your attorney-client asks you to testify. That’s right, go ahead, say yes!

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Holiday Computer Buying Tips

The holidays are officially here: Black Friday and Cyber Monday are behind us and the Christmas/Festivus/Hanukkah season is just ahead. I know that some of my CLNC® amigos will be asking Santa for something electric under the tree so here are some tips on how to select that special something.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Internet Access on Airplanes – How to Make a Painful Experience Slightly Less (Or More) Painful

Living in Houston has its advantages and disadvantages (think world-class dining versus world-class mosquitoes). One of the biggest advantages used to be the ability to hop onto a Continental flight and go just about anywhere non-stop. With the merger of Continental and United, that’s not as true. Sure, Houston is still a main hub with flight to lots of fun places, but now we’ve got to fly United to get there from here. Airlines are one of the few industries that keep getting worse instead of better and United is proof.

Cross-Train Your Way to More Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Success

Today’s professional athletes cross-train to reach their next level of success. For example, a professional football player doesn’t just do football drills – he lifts weights and might even practice yoga or ballet, all with the intention of performing better on the football field.

Start Your Day as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Just for You

People tell me that what is even more impressive than the fact that I went from a hospital nurse to owner of a successful business is that I’ve sustained and grown that business for 29 years. Especially since we’ve gone through not just boom times, but also the ugliest recession since the Great Depression.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Give Your Legal Nurse Consulting PC the Boot (Faster)!

I don’t know how often you reboot your computer, but between trips from my home dock to my work dock and work back to home, I probably reboot mine about twelve times a week. Some Certified Legal Nurse Consultants leave their computers running all the time, while others put their computers to sleep at night. I’ve blogged about the difference between sleeping and hibernating (ask your husband) and the need to reboot to combat the occasional memory leak, but I’ve never discussed one of the pitfalls of rebooting – and that’s the time it takes.

Do You Tweet Happiness as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

A recent analysis of the stream of Twitter “tweets” reveals that people are happy in the morning, less happy throughout the day while they’re at work and then happier again after work when back at home. That’s a pretty revealing study which suggests that most people are compartmentalizing their life into a work life and a personal life. But the reality is, we don’t have two-compartment lives. We only have one life. Most of us spend more time at work than with our families. You can’t turn happiness off at work and go home and turn it on and expect to have a passionate, purpose-filled life.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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