NACLNC® Association Overview

The National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC) is the largest and oldest association of legal nurse consultants. It was founded by, the pioneer of legal nurse consulting, and has thousands of members nationwide. The CLNC Certification is the first and most widely recognized legal nurse consulting certification in the nation.
NACLNC Association membership is open to registered nurses (RNs) who have received legal nurse consultant training and certification from
Please Login Now to Access These NACLNC® Association Resources:
- Attorney Interview Virtual Workshop (VIP Pros only)
- Advanced CLNC® Practice-Building Programs (VIP Pros and VIPs only)
- Contracts for Your CLNC Business (VIP Pros and VIPs only)
- Medical-Related Case Reports (VIP Pros and VIPs only)
- COVID-19 Lawsuits (VIP Pros, VIPs and Executives only)
- Advanced Legal Nurse Consulting Webinars
- Attorney Interview Questions
- Business Forms and Templates (includes exclusive Case Screening forms)
- Case Study Answer Keys
- CLNC Marketing Center
- CLNC Registered Certification Mark
- Medical Research Strategies
- NACLNC Association Member Seal
- NACLNC Online Directory
Learn about the NACLNC Association and membership benefits below.
NACLNC® Association Membership Benefits
- Instant Professional Network for consulting and subcontracting with thousands of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants in the U.S.
- FREE Mentoring from the CLNC Mentors (for as long as you remain certified) – Professional guidance is just a phone call away. Log in to the NACLNC Association and submit a Mentoring Request to quickly get the support you need for your CLNC business.
- Live (Zoom) Group Mentoring with the CLNC Mentors – You’ll have the opportunity to join a LIVE (Zoom) group mentoring session monthly with the CLNC Mentors to get all of your legal nurse consulting questions answered. You’ll also benefit from the questions of your CLNC peers. No question goes unanswered and you can be sure there will be some you haven’t thought of yet! There’s nothing more powerful than a group of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants all in the same room together. The additional benefit, you’ll be able to network with your CLNC peers as you gain insider information and discover new insights to advance your CLNC business.
- Advanced Legal Nurse Consulting Webinars – Advanced legal nurse consulting Webinars to keep you up to date on the latest legal nurse issues presented by the most successful CLNC Pros in the industry. Gain access to the live Webinars covering cutting edge topics such as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Fall Risk Assessment Cases.
- FREE Listing in the NACLNC Online Directory means that attorneys will come straight to you. The Institute promotes you 24/7 as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to more than 1,300,000 attorneys in the U.S. As the largest directory of legal nurse consultants, attorneys find you by location or nursing specialty, then call or email you instantly and privately. Also access to thousands of CLNC consultants, searchable by state or nursing specialty.
- FREE Publicity – When reporters want to interview Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, they call us. If you have a successful CLNC business or have consulted on a notable case, call 713.942.2200.
- CLNC Registered Certification Mark added to your credentials. CLNC is a federally registered certification mark and represents the official certification of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC). Attorneys nationwide rely on specially trained RNs with the trademark CLNC Certification. Its use is permitted only to those who have met and maintained national certification standards.
- CLNC Marketing Center – Start marketing to attorneys immediately. Launch your CLNC business with the CLNC Marketing Templates in our exclusive CLNC Marketing Center. All you do is select the marketing materials you want to purchase and add your contact details. Then simply place your order and your CLNC Marketing Essentials will be delivered to you. Choose from brochures, business cards, letterhead, envelopes and more! Check out the CLNC Wear and promotional items too.
- NACLNC Rewards – NACLNC Rewards is your exclusive member perks program. Certified Legal Nurse Consultants receive access to a wide variety of money saving offers, including discount tickets, cars, rentals and hotels; as well as amazing product and service deals for your everyday needs.
- FREE Downloadable NACLNC Member Seal – Give your CLNC business instant recognition by attorneys nationwide by adding the trusted NACLNC brand to your website and email signature.
The NACLNC member seal assures attorneys you are a certified member in good standing of the most authoritative association in legal nurse consulting.
- Exclusive Resources for CLNC Consultants – is the leader in developing cutting-edge products for the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, such as the Marketing and Report Writing Apprenticeships.
- FREE NACLNC Association Online Benefits – Extensive online resources and templates available exclusively to NACLNC members:
- Attorney Interview Questions – 18 of the most frequently asked questions complete with proven seal-the-deal answers.
- Business Forms and Templates – Developed specifically for CLNC consultants. You’ll save time and formatting headaches when you use copyrighted forms which include the CLNC invoice, chronological timeline template and Case Screening Form, PLUS more. All CLNC forms are ready for you to print and customize how you wish.