
What Did You Do Today?

The desire to succeed in anything – whether it’s losing 10 lbs or growing a CLNC® business – is important to success. After all, every success story begins with a dream, desire or vision. But even more important than the dream is the will to prepare to succeed.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Take Back Control of Your Spell Check Function

As we rely more on software programs doing our spelling for us, we can actually create spelling errors that we don’t notice, but your attorney-clients might. One of the issues with any word processing application is that once you accidentally mark a misspelled word as correct, that’s how the software spells the word until you do something about it. For example, you create your legal nurse consulting report for one of your attorney-clients and you misspell pleurisy as pleuricy. When you’re spell-checking the document you figure Word just doesn’t know any medical terms, and since you do, you click Add to Dictionary.

To Do or Not To Do? Which List Are You Working On Today?

Most of us like to believe that our day is driven by our to-do lists. We all have one and I’ll admit I have several, some much more ambitious than others (world domination, check!). But if we look closely, we often have to confront the fact that what keeps us from achieving those items on our to-do lists isn’t the complexity of the projects; it’s that we spend more time on what should be our “to-don’t” list or our “not-to-do” list. I call that majoring in minor things.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: You Never Know What You’re Missing If You Don’t Get It!

Email is not perfect. Some days one person’s messages deliver and the next day they bounce and you never receive them. Sometimes an email leaves your outbox and never arrives but you don’t know it. Some days you get lots of spam and others you get lots more. Is there a reason for this? None that anyone will ever admit to, because there are just too many gears in the machine.

On the Road Again with Future Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

It’s hard to believe, but my suitcases – open for packing for Las Vegas – confirm that the season has arrived for the CLNC® Certification Seminars and NACLNC® 2-Day Apprenticeships. Like me, many of you will be traveling and attending this year so thought I’d give you some quick tips to help you make the most out of your experience.

Cut the Cord – Before It’s Too Late

Any experienced skydiver will tell you that if you’ve got a malfunctioning main canopy you’ll have to “cut the cord,” releasing that chute to go to your reserve chute. Skydiving is life or death and you’ve got seconds to make your choice.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Tabbit Baby and Then Tabbit Some More!

Last week’s post about Tabs for Word was so popular that the overwhelming response nearly crashed the Internet. So today we’ll just wonder how robust Al Gore’s invention really is. With today’s Tech Tip, my CLNC® amigos can add the wonder of tabs to… you guessed it – Microsoft® Excel!  Download and install the free utility Tabs for Excel (make sure you close Word before installing) and changing your spreadsheets will be as easy as changing your mind (plus you can easily see what “books” you have open).

Just as Certified Legal Nurse Consultants shared the Tech Tip love of Tabs for Word with their favorite attorney-clients, now you should share the love of Tabs for Excel. Just remember, you heard it here first (again)!

Keep on Techin’,


P.S. Comment and tell me when you’ve installed Tabs for Word.

OMG, I’m LMAO Over that #EPICFAIL!

I’m finally learning to accept the fact that Twitter-speak, text-speak and social media language conventions are invading just about every part of our lives. We see Twitter #hashtags displayed during TV commercials, people LMAO over the fact that we can all haz cheezburgers and a great convo with a girlfriend isn’t over dinner but instead by a rapid flurry of texting while watching the Academy Awards.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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