
You Must Read This Book by Jim Blasingame

A must-read in 2014 for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants who want to stay relevant to attorneys is the new book The Age of the Customer: Prepare for the Moment of Relevance by Jim Blasingame.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: Customize Your Quick Access Toolbar

As Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, you live in a Microsoft Word world. I do too. Over the years, I’ve learned that Word can make your life easy if you let it. One way to make it easy is to customize and utilize the Quick Access toolbar that was first introduced with the 2007 version (Yes, it’s been seven years. It’s time to upgrade from Office 2003!).

The Future

The Future of the Nursing Industry

Healthcare inflation is on ice for the first time in years. Technology may well be the answer to keeping healthcare inflation under control permanently. Despite the fact that nursing has come late to the party, the future of the nursing industry is technology. The baby boomers will soon be exiting en masse and opening the door to a generation of young RN graduates who view technology not as something new, but as an extension of themselves.

3 Strategies for Successfully Disagreeing with Your Attorney-Clients

It’s okay to disagree with another person. In fact, at LegalNurse.com I encourage it. Breakthroughs rarely come from consensus. The trick to successfully disagreeing is disagreeing without being disagreeable. Persuasion is an art form that requires diplomacy and being agreeable about the disagreement. The more agreeable and diplomatic you are when trying to persuade others to your side, the more likely they will genuinely listen to your point of view. You won’t be able to hypnotize an attorney-client to your way of thinking about a medical-related issue, so you need to find a more practical and persuasive strategy.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: Same Tickets – Different Shows

Over the Christmas holiday Vickie and I attended the Broadway show “No Man’s Land” starring two of my favorite actors – Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. We purchased our tickets late and so were sitting back a little further in the theatre than I normally prefer. Also, my contacts were a little dry and dirty after a day on the streets of New York City. And did I mention I was a little sleepy? Why am I making these excuses? Simple – because of what comes next.

What Lucky Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Know for Sure

We often want what a successful person has, but we’re not necessarily willing to do what they did to achieve it. Maybe you covet that lucky woman’s body, but you don’t have a clue how hard she works out at the gym or how healthy she eats to get that killer body. And you’re definitely not willing to stop snacking or exercise at the break of dawn to achieve your own best body.

RN Jobs Outlook for 2014

The RN job outlook for 2014 looks dismal, especially for new graduates confronting hospital job postings which state “no new grads.” We can blame the baby boomers for the fact that as many as 43% of new grads will not hold a job in 2014 within the profession they went to school for.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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