
Is It Always Better to Be Right as a Legal Nurse Consultant?

I’ll be the first to admit it feels good to be right. There’s a comfort, if not outright confidence, in that moral certitude that comes from knowing you are correct in a situation. Recently a vendor and I disagreed over a matter that was objectively verifiable and I knew I was right. It took some effort on my part, but he finally agreed with me.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Time to Uninstall Your Uninstaller

One of your New Year’s resolutions should be to clean up not just your act, but also your computer. In prior Tech Tips I’ve talked about physical maintenance, file maintenance and hard drive maintenance, so this blog is about removing those programs you no longer use. Every flavor of Windows® comes with an uninstall program. It’s located in the Control Panel with the name Add or Remove Programs. Just about every peripheral device (printers, wireless cards, etc.) comes with associated software and, like most other programs, often has its own uninstall routine that usually works pretty well. My problem with the Windows uninstaller is that it runs slowly and Add or Remove doesn’t reflect everything installed on your computer. Plus, just about every uninstaller tends to leave odd bits, files and folders on your computer and in your Windows Registry, which over time can affect performance.

The Best Christmas “Present” Ever for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

As this holiday season comes into full bloom, with only four days left until Christmas and the inevitable aftermath of torn wrapping paper and dirty dinner dishes, I’d like to take a moment to discuss the best Christmas “present” you can give yourself. That present is being present – present in the moment with full attention and intention, not living with an eye on the past or looking to the future. It means living fully in the current moment – whether that moment is with your family, friends, legal nurse consulting business or attorney-clients.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: The Future Lies Ahead of Us

As the year closes and we deal with planning and other technology-related issues here at LegalNurse.com, Vickie and I have had more than a few discussions over what tech tools are on the horizon, not just for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, but also for us. After giving away so many this year, Vickie’s personal wish list starts with her own iPad2®. That tops my list too, along with a better smartphone, a faster laptop and a smaller iPod. Vickie can tell you with absolute certainty that I haven’t been that good this year, so Christmas may end up being new white socks from CostCo® instead.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Shares How Networking Earned Her $300/hr

Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Shares How Networking Earned Her $300/hr

One of the marketing strategies I teach in the CLNC® Certification Program is to network with everyone who comes within three feet of you. In this quick video, Catherine Cass, RN, CLNC shares how she used this marketing strategy right out of the Core Curriculum for Legal Nurse Consulting® textbook to land a lucrative testifying expert position – even before she’d left the CLNC® Certification Seminar in Las Vegas.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are More than Just “CEOs” of Their Businesses

As we move into the holiday season, our role as CEO becomes even more pronounced. Sure we’re CEOs of our Certified Legal Nurse Consulting businesses, but you might be the “Chief Everything Officer” of your family as well, in charge of your business and housekeeping, childcare, homework, shopping, meal-planning, cooking, carpool and finance, to name just a few departments.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Do You Know When to Hold Them and When to Fold Them?

Recently I was negotiating a deal with a company I’ve been doing business with for a long time. It became obvious that we had reached an impasse and we each settled on our “final” offers. A note about my negotiating philosophy: while I consider myself a strong negotiator, I’m not one to bluff very often in a business setting. I save my bluffing for poker games with my twin brother Vince (don’t tell him that’s how I won that last jackpot from him, LOL). I pride myself in creating and maintaining strong business relationships and always coming from a place of fairness and integrity in my dealings with other people – that’s why many of my vendor and business relationships are long-standing.

It’s Better to Be Effective than Nice in Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants know that being nice always pays off with your attorney-clients, subcontractors, vendors and employees. Being nice in no way implies that you are weak or have to kowtow to someone else’s whims, nor does it mean you’re always agreeable or a pushover. Being nice can mean that you have the ability to deliver an unpleasant message or opposing viewpoint while coming from a place of professionalism rather than emotion or antagonism.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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