
What a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Can Learn from a New York Book Publisher

I was negotiating a contract with my publisher, Wiley Publishing Company, to update and revise my book Inside Every Woman. They sent me the first draft of their contract as a PDF, which for most people is an un-editable document format. Normally, this is actually a pretty good strategy when negotiating a contract as most recipients will simply sign and return the contract. It can also serve as an intimidating take it or leave it message.

Ask Vickie: What’s the Most Effective Way to Bill a $39,000 Case as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

I just completed a $39,000 case and sent the invoice to the defense law firm. My attorney-client notified me that he would have to submit my bill for approval to the insurance company since it exceeds $25,000. The attorney also told me there will now be a delay in the processing of the invoice. Is this common practice and what can I do differently next time to expedite the payment process?

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Now That You’ve Downloaded It – Time to Rename It, File It, Use It or Lose It!

CLNC® consultants frequently need to download executable files for their Certified Legal Nurse Consulting business. By “executable,” I’m referring to a file that ends in .exe and will either be a program or an installer for one. Last week I taught you to create a Downloads folder in your My Documents directory to temporarily store everything you download. Now that you’ve done that, all your downloaded photos, videos, programs, installers, etc., are probably stacking up in there.

The CLNC® Pros Share Strategies for Treating Your CLNC® Business Like a Business – Not a Hobby – Part 1

As Anne Koepsell, Certified Legal Nurse Consultant says “the phrase ‘working from home’ creates images of total freedom from structure and time commitments. And that is the challenge – there is no structure, no office hours, no peers to watch what you are doing and how you spend your time. Those of us who have worked at home rarely want to trade it for a structured job or office setting. But successfully working from home requires the right attention and intention.” I asked 16 CLNC® Pros to share their best practices for working from home, guaranteed to deliver the attention, intention and effectiveness to succeed.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Find Your Missing Legal Nurse Consulting Downloads – Today, Tomorrow and Next Time

When you’re a busy Certified Legal Nurse Consultant working on cases for your business you’ll eventually need to download a file, photo, program update or, if you’re off-duty, simply save your favorite LOLCats. When you do, you’ll sometimes discover that your downloaded file can’t be found. You know you downloaded it because you watched the “thermometer bar” measure the progress of the download, but once it was done you couldn’t find that gruesome image of the epidural abscess. The reason for this is that each of your different web browsers and other individual programs put those files in their own, often hidden, locations.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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