Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Upgrade or Die?

In line with our talk about the wonders of the Windows operating system, I’ve got a mixed bag of news. On April 14 of this year, Microsoft will end support for Windows XP, Office 2003 and Exchange 2003. For the majority of the Certified Legal Nurse Consultants out there, it’s the support for XP and Office 2003 that will hurt.

Drugstore Cowgirl – Or How I Learned to Hate Darvon and Love Weightlifting

As I’ve grown older I’ve learned to appreciate the difficulty of keeping my body (and mind) in great physical (and mental) shape. I hit the gym three days a week to lift weights with a trainer. On the odd-date days I really stretch myself by doing yoga or speed-walking to the Starbucks a couple of miles from my home. As my age has increased so has my strength and muscle-mass. I only wish I’d been as dedicated when I was in nursing school.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: “Vickie’s Blog” vs. Feedblitz

If you’re reading Vickie’s Blog and my Tech Tips, from the FeedBlitz email you receive, you’re only seeing part of the picture. Sure it’s easy to read from the email, but try this: click the title “Vickie’s Blog” under the FeedBlitz logo in the email, you’ll then have access to not only the full article (and any photos) but you can also:

Slumdog Millionaire Entrepreneurship for Legal Nurse Consultants

On February 4th I gave an assignment for all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants attending the 2009 NACLNC Conference to go see the movie Slumdog Millionaire and to identify Jamal’s maverick entrepreneurial moves. For those of you who couldn’t join us in San Antonio here’s a brief overview of my conference opening.

What a CLNC® Consultant Can Learn From “Friendly” Neighborhood Soccer Moms

I live in what could almost be described as a pastoral setting. Although I live in Houston, the fourth largest city in the U.S., I actually live in a city within the city of Houston. It’s a small neighborhood with its own fire and police departments. On Saturday mornings, you can watch the hunky firemen wash and wax the fire trucks. We’ve got a couple of little league and soccer fields and when the weather’s nice the morning air is filled with the sounds of sprinklers and the evenings are filled with the sounds of children having fun and engaging in organized chaos.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help with Microsoft Office 2007 – Just Watch How You Ask!

If you’ve moved to Microsoft Office 2007 with its suite of upgrades, enhancements and head-banging, you’ve probably noticed the so-called “Ribbon.” This replaced all the good, old-fashioned, easy-to-use command buttons in Office 2003. I’ve been using this suite for about 10 months now and still misplace commands and I never remember where the darn “advanced options” can be found. If a techie is flummoxed, what’s a legal nurse consultant to do?

Plan Your Moves After the 2009 NACLNC® Conference

My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the Certified Legal Nurse Consultants who attended our successful 2009 NACLNC Conference in San Antonio. Our sell-out gathering was a spectacular event, and I hope you had as much fun as I did. It was great to see and talk with all of you again.

Give Us this Day Our Daily Meds

How do you start your day? Does your breakfast contain a line of pills (and I don’t mean vitamins) longer than your middle finger? If you open your medicine cabinet too quickly is there an “orange avalanche” of pill bottles? Have you succumbed to the slick marketing of pharmaceutical companies like many of my baby boomer friends who daily whip out an array of drugs for restless leg syndrome, elevated cholesterol, reduced bone density and sleep deprivation?

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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