Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Shit Flows Uphill

Despite popular belief and the laws of gravity, shit really does flow uphill, at least for entrepreneurs. Own a legal nurse consulting business and you also own responsibility for everyone associated with you – employees, subcontractors and vendors. There’s a reason you get paid the big bucks – when someone fails you, the repercussions of said failure fall on your shoulders.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tech Tip: Put Windows “Previous Versions” to Work for Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Like most Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, when typing a new document I’ll use an earlier version of a similar document as a template. As a best practice, I immediately retitle the old document with the new document name and save that new document with its new name. By doing so, I don’t accidently overwrite the old document. Sound confusing? It’s not. And, as long as you do it religiously, it works great and any reasonably disciplined CLNC consultant can, and should, do it.

All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Should Communicate with Decision-Makers

Recently we hired a new company to supply LegalNurse.com with a specific type of software. We thought we’d done our due diligence, but despite the successful sales pitches and demonstrations, it turned out that the software wasn’t as compatible with our CRM system as the salesperson had represented.

Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Edmund Burke

Sometimes a project can seem overwhelming. You don’t know where to start or which foot to put forward first. You’re stumped, scared and going nowhere. For 33 years in my legal nurse consulting business I’ve too often made the mistake of worrying about how little I could do towards a daunting project and letting that concern stop me in my tracks.

Tom’s Tech Tip: What a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Should Do with Email from the Living Dead

Yesterday I received an email from someone I know who passed on about this time last year. It isn’t the first time he emailed me posthumously, and it won’t be the last. In fact, he isn’t the only dead person that emails me. What is so urgent that this legion of apparently living dead have to communicate from the other side? Well, as you can guess, it was spam and not for life-extending supplements.

What Do Certified Legal Nurse Consultants and Proboscis Monkeys Have in Common?

While in Borneo I had the opportunity to view wild Proboscis monkeys as they came down from the trees to feed. One of the monkeys had a very young baby, 2-3 weeks old. I overheard two distressed women criticizing the mother who was much more interested in feeding herself than feeding or suckling her baby.

CLNC® Success Story: Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Left Her RN Job at the Hospital and Gave Herself a Raise!

CLNC® Success Story: Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Left Her RN Job at the Hospital and Gave Herself a Raise!

Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Karla Olson, RN, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, CBC, CLNC shares how she was working extra hours in her RN hospital job reviewing cases as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. One day after working to exonerate a nurse in a lawsuit, Karla decided it was time to quit working 60 hours a week at the hospital while being paid for only 36. She left her RN job and got serious about creating her full-time legal nurse consulting business.

Vickie Milazzo's Thoughts for Success

Thoughts for Success: Success Is Inside

Success Is Inside! Need I say more? When I wrote Wicked Success Is Inside Every Woman this was the most important message I wanted to convey, so I autographed every book with that thought. Thousands of autographed books later, I’m still in awe that my right hand held up to the task without any repetitive stress injury.

Tom’s Tech Tip: Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Here’s Your Second, Second Chance

Last week we discussed a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant’s ability to delay sending an email long enough for your conscience to kick in and delete it, thus stopping you from doing something extremely dangerous to your legal nurse consulting business and professional reputation. This week I’m going to push the envelope a little further and give you another useful tool – the ability to delay sending a text message long enough to recall or delete it.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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