Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Tablet or PC for Me?

The tablet market keeps growing wider and broader with more and more entries. It’s becoming harder and harder to take the leap of faith into the market and choose any one. Many Certified Legal Nurse Consultants have asked me whether they should buy a tablet or a computer, and if so, which one. To be clear upfront – tablets are computers just like smartphones are computers. They’re just smaller computers with limited (for now) capabilities.

CLNC® Success Story: The NACLNC® Directory is One of Your Best Marketing Strategies as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant!

CLNC® Success Story: The NACLNC® Directory is One of Your Best Marketing Strategies as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant!

Ruthanne Lafever, BSN, CEN, CLNC, shares how just days after passing her CLNC Certification Exam and entering her information into the NACLNC Directory she was contacted by another Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to consult on a case within her specialty. Congratulations Ruthanne! All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants should use this as a gentle nudge to update your NACLNC Directory listing. More than 4,000 CLNC consultants are interested in you!

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – It’s Time to Dispense with the Tea and the Finger Sandwiches

It sounds counterintuitive, but conflict really is healthy for CLNC consultants. Conflict helps you to accomplish what you should be accomplishing on your own anyway – challenging yourself and your opinions to disrupt your own bad thinking. Conflict helps you get to something fresh, exciting and relevant. Sometimes my executives will be so civilized and agreeable with one another that they’re smiling and nodding their heads in agreement to what is actually a very bad idea. I almost expect them to have a tea party with finger sandwiches, it’s so civilized. Putting a frozen margarita machine in the break room and Jello shots for brainstorming meetings are the two most recent examples. On reflection, maybe there is some merit to those two ideas.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Time to Clean Things Up (A Bit)!

My hard drive is filling up fast and getting slower than an office nurse. I’ve only got about 320 GB total space, and with all my photos, music, audio and video recordings and legal nurse consulting business-related documents, it’s darn near full. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time to clean things up before I run into serious issues.

CLNC® Success Story: I've Consulted on 64 Cases and Here's How

CLNC® Success Story: I’ve Consulted on 64 Cases and Here’s How

Marcia Bell, RN, BSN, CAPA, CLNC, shares how, as a part-time PACU nurse, she’s not only testified in 26 cases within her specialty, but has worked on 64 cases as a CLNC® consultant. Marcia demonstrates that you can work behind-the-scenes or testify, whichever you choose and as much as you choose.

A Problem is Sometimes More Than Just a Problem

When a problem in your legal nurse consulting business rears its ugly head, what do you do? That’s right, you assess the problem, dissect it and get to work solving it. Recently I was doing just that when I uncovered an even more important problem, one that I had no idea even existed. Without that first problem, the second one could have gone undetected, creating huge amounts of damage before any of us knew about it.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Tom’s Super-Secret Laptop Buying Tips

I’m finally getting ready to buy a new laptop. But, even I, Tom the Tech Tipper, find the market to be daunting. Do I buy Sony, Dell, Lenovo, some other big brand or do I build my own? Do I buy dual-core, quad-core or Marine-core? Should I get the biggest screen I can or limit myself to one that will fit through a door and/or on an airplane tray? Then there’s the whole issue of SSD, SIDS and ADHD.

Are You Singing the W-2 Blues This Weekend?

Are You Singing the W-2 Blues This Weekend?

If you’re scurrying to get your tax forms filed and you’re singing the W-2 Blues, you’ve got to watch this! Here’s an interview I did with KCAL in Los Angeles. Simply click on the link below if you’re ready to ditch the W-2 Blues.

Interrupt the Interrupter

I recently spent three hours in the air. By the end of the flight I was amazed at how much I accomplished during that time.

On the Road Again!

I’m on the road again and I confess I always envy the person who can travel with one rolling carry-on. That’s not me. I’m more like the British explorers who traveled with teapot, table and tent. Unless you’re flying Southwest Airlines where baggage flies free (free of airline meals and assigned seats too), my preferred style of travel is costly and inefficient. If you wish to avoid fees for checked bags, overweight bags and extra bags, I recommend you don’t do what I do. Instead, here are some tips from the experts in six convenient categories that I regularly ignore. Plus a few tips I’ve conjured myself from decades of travel:

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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