Not Enough Time in the Day? Here’s a Sure Way to Get Some of It Back
Living through the COVID-19 pandemic, there can be a lot to complain about, but I’ve personally never been a fan of complaining, nor am I a fan of complainers.
Living through the COVID-19 pandemic, there can be a lot to complain about, but I’ve personally never been a fan of complaining, nor am I a fan of complainers.
The Institute frequently mentors new CLNC® graduates on creating their unique selling position (USP). Your USP communicates how your legal nurse consulting experience, nursing experience, education and leadership in nursing can specifically benefit the attorney-client with his medical-related cases. In essence, you are translating your experience into a benefit for the attorney. USP is not about you and the CLNC services that you provide. It is about how you translate you and your CLNC services into the mind of the attorney-prospect.
In the 8/3/21 blog “These 6 Questions Are Guaranteed to Help You Ditch Unnecessary Complexities in Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business,” I shared that this year’s theme is to ditch unnecessary complexities.
Nurses naturally have the strength of agility. After all, you can’t be a nurse and not be agile. When you have five people talking to you at once, and you’re handling five different emergencies at once, that takes agility. When you go from this to that, without time to think and seconds are making a difference – that’s agility. When you’re floated to a unit you know nothing about – and you don’t kill anyone – that’s agility. As nurses, we’re all over that strength, aren’t we?
Every year I adopt a new business theme for myself. Some previous examples are “Let It Go” and “Move Like a Maverick.” All year long I have a lot of fun with the theme, but more important, I use the theme to challenge how I think and how I do business.
*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.
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