
Nurse Overcame “Professional Bradycardia” as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

There I was nearly nine years ago, suffering from what I now refer to as “professional bradycardia.” I signed up for LegalNurse.com’s CLNC Certification Seminar and had my breath taken away! That 6-day seminar in 2000 was about to change my life forever and ever. However, at the time I only knew it was The Best program I had ever attended as a nurse, bar none!

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Is Somebody Pushing Your Legal Nurse Consulting (Windows®) Button – Or Not?

I’m a keyboard guy. Mice are great but every time you take your hands off your keyboard to reach for your mouse, you lose precious seconds (and those build up into billable hours over the course of a year). I’d much rather make use of keyboard shortcuts than roll that mouse to delete something. The less time I spend with my hand on the mouse, the more time I have to spend typing tech tips, if you know what I mean.

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Endurance

Nurses have the strength of endurance. How else would you get through those 12-hour shifts? You work on your feet, you eat on your feet, you think on your feet. Sure – you get to sit down at least once a shift – when you go to the bathroom. Wait a minute – nurses don’t sit, right? We squat – we ain’t touching nothing. But how do you fuel your endurance when the doctor wants it yesterday, your kids want it today and…your spouse wants it tonight?

CLNC® Success Story: Don’t Underprice Yourself as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

CLNC® Success Story: Don’t Underprice Yourself as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

Here’s a great example of a CLNC consultant who didn’t underprice herself. She stood tough with attorneys who tried to negotiate her into a set fee on a case instead of her regular hourly rate. She didn’t bite that hook and now projects that she’ll bill $20,000 on the case. Congratulations for standing firm, Denise, and earning what you are truly worth!

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Throw Your Mouse Out of the House (or at Least Out of Your Legal Nurse Consulting Office)

This week’s tip is a quickie and deals with one thing and one thing only. That pesky critter we all know as a “mouse” or in geek speak “pointing device.” Mice aren’t new and aren’t an Apple invention as some people believe, they date back to 1981. However, some legal nurse consultants are stuck back in the ‘80s (and I don’t mean with your hair or taste in music). Are you someone still using a standard mouse? Possibly an old “mechanical mouse?” One with a rubber ball in the bottom that needs a tactile surface like a mouse pad to work efficiently.

Are You Like Bamboo in Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business?

Many of you know I like to start each day with a cup of healthy green tea. I especially like to enjoy that first healthy cup of green tea while comfortably ensconced in the recliner in my bedroom, drinking tea and looking out to the silhouettes of the giant timber bamboo that surrounds our home reaching heights of easily 60 ft.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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