Legal Nurse Consultant Success Story

CLNC® Success Story: I Am Living My Passion with an Exclusive Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Contract with One Attorney-Client

After I became a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, I worked for a corporation doing internal auditing. After two years, a CLNC friend told me about an opportunity to have an exclusive Certified Legal Nurse Consultant contract with an attorney. At first I wasn’t sure I wanted an exclusive contract with any attorney because I did not know if he would have enough work for me. I was wrong. I ended up signing a contract with this attorney-client for $150,000 annually for 40 hours a week. This year I will make about $175,000.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Why Can’t Your Smart Phone Accessories Be as Smart as Your Phone?

Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant has changed mobile phones at least once in the course of their CLNC business. If you’re still carrying a brick-phone worthy of Gordon Gecko – it’s time. I’ve gone through a couple of BlackBerry models myself and I am getting ready to move to the new 4G iPhone this summer. I decided this is one time when it is indeed better to wait.

How to Set Up a Strong Alliance with Other Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Everyone knows that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant knows at least one, if not more, other CLNC consultants. If you’ve attended one of our CLNC Certification Seminars you’ve made lifelong CLNC friends. When you attend the NACLNC Annual Conference, you reconnect with CLNC consultants from all over the country. But all too often you only do it for those short periods of time. Not everyone capitalizes on their connections to make a strong chain or develop a mini-network.

Social Media and the Feel-Good Addiction for Legal Nurse Consultants

We all love social media. For example, I use Facebook to communicate to all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants and aspiring CLNC consultants. I love reading details of your lives and seeing the fun photos you post. One Certified Legal Nurse Consultant told me that what she loves most about Facebook is that she never has to worry about keeping up with her friends’ email addresses – because their Facebook address never changes. If she’s on Facebook, she’s always in touch with them. This is really a radical form of communication and allows connection with more and more people, including attorneys, who are joining Facebook every day.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Put Your Programs on Speed Dial for Your CLNC® Business

As all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants know, I’ve written myriad tech tips that will save you valuable time for your legal nurse consulting business. Now I’m letting you in on more timesavers I regularly put to good use. For instance, if you want a little more screen depth when you’re researching medical literature for your legal nurse consulting business, you can get an extra 1/4” or so of visible screen (or just as much screen as you can get) with only a few clicks. Just right click the Windows XP Start button, then left click Properties. You’ll see a variety of options for the taskbar. Click in the box beside “Auto-hide the taskbar” to make the taskbar disappear until you mouse over it. Now you have the maximum amount of visible screen.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Yo’ Mamma, Get YoWindow Working for Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

I’ve got a confession to make. I love unique applications, so long as they aren’t malware (Remember the flying toasters screen saver?). I’ve updated my Windows XP machine to mimic Apple’s Dock and added emulations that give me some Windows 7 functionality. I’ve loaded add-ons to my Firefox web browser that tell me the weather, allow me to share websites on Delicious, trust a site or not with WOT, save a site with iCyte and use a cool program I’ve never shared with anyone else called FireShot to snag images of websites that even include Flash animations. In short, I could be a tech support nightmare, but I’m not because I only download my tools from well-known sites (like CNET.com) and only after I investigate their reputations on the web at large.

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Fusion

Nurses have the strength of fusion. When a patient arrests, your team comes together and fuses like a single entity to do whatever is needed to code the patient successfully. Why not use this strength of fusion to code yourself? The more audacious your goals the more you will need other people to help you achieve those goals. This means surrounding yourself with strong, successful people of integrity to keep you, and your dream, alive.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Set Your Legal Nurse Consultant Sights on Your Research Sites with iCyte

Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant has experienced the joy of finding a website with the exact material they need for the report they’re working on for their attorney-client. Those same CLNC consultants have experienced the frustration of clicking on the bookmark for that webpage and seeing a “page not found” error message. How do you find that webpage once it’s lost in the Internet? Easy, there’s a free service called “iCyte” and it does a great job of saving a webpage so you can view it later, even if it’s removed or changed.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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