Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Take Your Gmail Email Offline to Work It When You Want It

One of the chief complaints I hear from legal nurse consultants about Gmail is that unlike Outlook, Thunderbird or other email clients, you have to be online to access or work with your Gmail email. If you’re a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant who wants to use your Gmail without the Internet (like when you’re on an airplane or in some inferior coffee shop that doesn’t have free Wi-Fi), follow these steps:

What Do Over 650 Million Chinese Women Have in Common with You?

Here’s some fun news. I just received four new copies of Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now, my Wall Street Journal bestselling book and here’s the best part: these books are written in Chinese! You may know that there are seven traditional Chinese languages and myriad dialects within those languages. But did you know that all Chinese share the same written language? This means that the power of Inside Every Woman is now accessible to more than 650 million women in China and Tom says it wouldn’t hurt the men to read it either! I’m excited it already has 5-star reviews.

Keep Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports Real

Keep Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports Real

When you’re writing reports for your attorney-clients’ medical-related cases, one of the most important principles, no matter the size or type of report, is that if you provide theory, you are sure to provide application also. In other words, the theory must not only relate to the case, but you must explain the actual application of the theory to the case at hand. Theory alone is not enough. Keeping your reports based in the “real world” will make the real attorneys you consult with really appreciate you and your legal nurse consulting reports.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Legal Nurse Consultant Windows Users Find Remedy for Mac Envy!

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants using Windows XP have long envied that cool rotating menu the Mac OS X Dock has, that floats around the bottom or top of the Mac screen and fans out your icons. It’s a much better looking menu than that darn Windows menu that pops up when you click the Start Button It also beats stashing short-cuts all over your Windows Desktop.

Congratulations to the First International CLNC® Consultant!

Congratulations to the First International CLNC® Consultant!

Jane Hurst, RN, CLNC has become the first international Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, consulting with a Swedish medical device company. Her consulting business has taken her to Sweden and this summer she’ll be presenting on legal nurse consulting and medical device cases at a European conference.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: iPhone Users’ Biggest Problem Solved for Legal Nurse Consultants

Be honest you Certified Legal Nurse Consultant iPhone users, it’s hard to be cool when you’re suffering from “fat finger syndrome” isn’t it? You know, having trouble typing on that slick touchscreen that makes all of us lesser CLNC Crackberry users envious. Remember how we laughed at you on the ski slopes while we poked away at our tactile keyboards with the eraser of an upside down pencil while your gloveless fingers stuck frozen to your screen?

Legal Nurse Consulting Alert – Medtronic Defibrillator Leads – Wired for Life or Death?

People, including my 85-year-old father, who suffer from aberrant heart rhythms received a shock (literally) last year when Medtronic, manufacturer of the Sprint Fidelis leads used to connect electronic defibrillators to their hearts, were malfunctioning at rates higher than those of other leads. The leads were later pulled from the market, but were not pulled from the recipients. Depending on who you believe, anywhere from 87.9%-94.3% of the leads are still functioning in patients. Many of the recalled electronic defibrillators cannot be changed or removed without a risk of harm to the patient.

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case: First Time Testifying and the Jury Smiled on Our Case

My most memorable case occurred when I testified for the very first time. I had been a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant for about a year. The case was a will contest. The client was the daughter of an elderly woman who had passed away in a skilled facility. About 72 hours prior to her death, the son (the client’s brother) had the will altered so that he would inherit most of the estate. The changes to the will were made by an attorney. The son then took the will to the facility and had his mother sign it with a notary (a friend of his) present and another witness (his sister-in-law). The estate was worth around $1,000,000.00.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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