
Legal Nurse Consultant Blog

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Can I Buy Software for My Legal Nurse Consulting Business from Craigslist?

Yet another question I get, “Can I buy equipment and software for my legal nurse consulting business from sources other than legitimate retailers?” For office furniture or equipment such as filing cabinets, etc. you can save some money buying from Craigslist or other used equipment sites. If you’re buying electronic printers, copiers, scanners, etc. you run the risk of getting something damaged or worse, compromised goods.

15 Fun Things to Do on the 2011 NACLNC® Conference Cruise

I am so enjoying all of your communications in anticipation of the 2011 NACLNC® Conference Cruise. I can’t wait to spend those seven days with all of you. Until we meet up on March 13th, here are 15 ideas for having the most fun possible on our cruise.

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

I’ve just returned from what Tom and I call our Great Christmas Migration. Every year over Christmas and New Year’s we crisscross the country visiting family and friends, and then we close out the year with renewal time for just the two of us. On one flight, after putting away our electronics and during the landing pattern, I was catching up on my reading. I was struck by an article on the Great Migrations in the November, 2010 issue of National Geographic Magazine. The article spoke to the way migrating animals become so focused on their mission that they pass up the opportunity to eat. It mentioned one of my least favorite birds, the Arctic Tern. Remembering being attacked by them in Iceland, I talk about them in the video below.

Ask Vickie: When to Call for CLNC® Subcontractors

I am learning how to breathe again. You will never believe what happened. I called an attorney’s office last week to get an appointment. I spoke with a receptionist who accidentally sent the attorney-prospect a note saying I needed a consult for a medical malpractice case. He called me and left a message giving me his direct number. So when I heard his message I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I returned his call, got him on the phone and explained that I was a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and explained the CLNC® services I could offer. His firm had just lost their legal nurse consultant. He asked me to come and make a presentation. So I am going to knock this out of the park.

2 Minutes to Success

To have a better relationship, a better CLNC® business or a better life, often all you have to do is be willing to invest in the smallest of ways. Invest today to ensure your comfort tomorrow. Stop the insanity, i.e. all the excuses for why you can’t, won’t or shouldn’t do something. Today is the day to commit to one small action.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: The Best Christmas Gift Ever for Myself and Hopefully for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Christmas was just three days ago (it’s hard to believe that there’s only 362 shopping days until the next one) and many of you are probably still digging out from under mountains of discarded wrapping paper, cardboard boxes and all the various flotsam and jetsam leftovers after Christmas. Vickie and I have moved toward simplicity — with music and books being our primary gifts to each other.

When Your Attorney-Client Asks You the Time, Don’t Tell Him How to Build a Watch

Over the years I’ve run into students at my CLNC® Certification Programs who can’t easily answer a simple question. When you ask them what time it is, they proceed to tell you how to build a watch before they can say “It’s 11:15.” When this happens I want to shout, “Objection, non-responsive!” in the middle of a long, obviously rambling answer that has nothing to do with what I’ve asked them. I’m sure you all know someone like this. Hopefully that person’s not you.

The ability to “answer the question asked” is a quality successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants must possess. Attorneys are crazy-busy people and don’t have the time to listen to unnecessary details or rambling communications. Attorneys are like the police on the old Dragnet TV series: they want “The facts ma’am, just the facts.” The next time you’re in an interview with an attorney-prospect and he says “Tell me about yourself” he’s not asking you to regurgitate your autobiography; he really wants to know what you’re going to do to help him win his cases.

If you veer off, even just occasionally, start today to retrain the way you think.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: What I Really Want for Festivus and for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (the Rest of Us)

This year is almost over and there have been a lot of advances in the tech world. Computers are faster, bigger and smaller and Windows® 7 works better than anyone expected. Pocket cameras are better than ever. Smart phones do everything but shop and cook for us. But there’s still a lot of technology advances to be made that I think will improve our lives. I want to end the year with my personal tech wish list for 2011 and hope that some of you Certified Legal Nurse Consultants share a few of these wanton desires with me:

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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