Protecting Your Property at Home and on the Web
For Christmas, I got a terrific present from one of the least likely persons you’d expect. No, not our CPA, but our intellectual property attorney. He settled an intellectual property dispute on behalf of
I make my living working with litigators. So do Certified Legal Nurse Consultants. We’re all aware of the high cost of litigation, both monetarily and emotionally. That’s why when our attorney was able to settle this case without the necessity of filing a suit, I was surprised and grateful. Potential defendants don’t often come to the table that easily.
Over the past 27 years, I’ve worked hard to create a body of intellectual property. Over those same 27 years, I’ve had to deal with copyright infringement that’s run from the minor lists and jokes to mind-boggling, outrageous plagiarism. When you see one of your creations copied so closely that it includes one of your typos, you’ve got the other party dead to rights. I could point to several examples that are being remedied right now, if our attorney would let me. I’ve never understood people who would try to take a short-cut up the ladder of success by climbing up someone else’s back.