
Legal Nurse Consultant Blog

Protecting Your Property at Home and on the Web

For Christmas, I got a terrific present from one of the least likely persons you’d expect. No, not our CPA, but our intellectual property attorney. He settled an intellectual property dispute on behalf of LegalNurse.com.

I make my living working with litigators. So do Certified Legal Nurse Consultants. We’re all aware of the high cost of litigation, both monetarily and emotionally. That’s why when our attorney was able to settle this case without the necessity of filing a suit, I was surprised and grateful. Potential defendants don’t often come to the table that easily.

Over the past 27 years, I’ve worked hard to create a body of intellectual property. Over those same 27 years, I’ve had to deal with copyright infringement that’s run from the minor lists and jokes to mind-boggling, outrageous plagiarism. When you see one of your creations copied so closely that it includes one of your typos, you’ve got the other party dead to rights. I could point to several examples that are being remedied right now, if our attorney would let me. I’ve never understood people who would try to take a short-cut up the ladder of success by climbing up someone else’s back.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Netbook or Notebook?

A lot is being said now about the newest form of laptops – the netbook. Laptops were originally designed to be semi-lightweight, portable computers that a legal nurse consultant could easily carry from home to the medical library, to work, to wherever. Soon form was forgotten and notebooks became larger, more powerful and screens became wider. Before long, laptops were “desktop” replacements and almost as heavy to carry.

What Do You Care What I Wear?

A headline in the January 8, 2009, issue of The Wall Street Journal “Hospital Scrubs Are a Germy, Deadly Mess,” caught my eye. The article discusses how hospital scrubs and other garments carry infection, not only around the hospital but outside it too.

Tom’s Tech Tips

It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This!

Thanks to all of you who joined Vickie and me at my surprise birthday party Saturday night. Today’s really my birthday but to get 80 adults and miscellaneous children to stay out until the wee hours on a work night is pretty hard, so she planned it for January 17, the Saturday before.

Plaintiff Alert Signals – Never Events

Whether you are screening medical malpractice cases for plaintiff or defense as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, you should be on the lookout for those obvious meritorious cases. When you see them, the red flags go up as long as there is significant injury or death. For example, maternal death gets everyone’s attention. The plaintiff CLNC® consultant’s response is – this is one the plaintiff attorney should absolutely represent. The defense CLNC® consultant’s initial response is – the defense should settle and settle fast.

Obama – Take the Pork Away from the Pigs

Dear President Obama,

Congratulations on becoming the 44th president of the United States. Americans have hired you to manage our country and to fix the economic crisis you have inherited. To accomplish this, you need to act like an entrepreneur – not a politician. Entrepreneurs thrive on crisis, knowing that from the center of it huge opportunities arise for growth and profit.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Inauguration Day

Important events in DC are occupying my attention today. If you want, you can click over to CNN.com, watch the inauguration coverage and play “Where’s Waldo?” or rather “Where’s Tom?” Or, you can just read last week’s tips and try to find me online! Look for my Tuesday Tech Tip on smart Googling next Tuesday, January 27, 2009.smart Googling next Tuesday, January 27, 2009.

Running on Empty

About an hour from when the photo below was taken, just a block from my home, the street was filled with runners from the Houston Marathon. Over 23,000 participants showed up to run. Some finished in just over two hours while others were still running (or had dropped out) when the six-hour time limit expired.

“Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Is Recession Proof. I’m Busier Than Ever!” – An Interview with Dale Barnes – Part 3

How has your income level changed in this economy?

Dale: Vickie, I’m proud to say that last year I was a little ahead with my legal nurse consulting business compared to the prior year – which is saying something when so many other types of businesses experienced a downturn. I’m going to be away for most of January, on a trip to East Africa. People are amazed that I can afford to leave my business during this economy.

“Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Is Recession Proof. I’m Busier Than Ever!” – An Interview with Dale Barnes – Part 2

Obstacles have to be overcome in every economy. What obstacles are you facing now?

Dale: Vickie, my biggest obstacle is time. Particularly trying to squeeze in time to continue marketing every month. I’ve been a CLNC® consultant for 9½ years, so I don’t have to market at the same level I did in the beginning, but I know that being busy is no justification for not marketing. You taught me to always keep marketing to assure the phone is ringing.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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