
When Your Attorney-Client Asks You the Time, Don’t Tell Him How to Build a Watch

Over the years I’ve run into students at my CLNC® Certification Programs who can’t easily answer a simple question. When you ask them what time it is, they proceed to tell you how to build a watch before they can say “It’s 11:15.” When this happens I want to shout, “Objection, non-responsive!” in the middle of a long, obviously rambling answer that has nothing to do with what I’ve asked them. I’m sure you all know someone like this. Hopefully that person’s not you.

The ability to “answer the question asked” is a quality successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants must possess. Attorneys are crazy-busy people and don’t have the time to listen to unnecessary details or rambling communications. Attorneys are like the police on the old Dragnet TV series: they want “The facts ma’am, just the facts.” The next time you’re in an interview with an attorney-prospect and he says “Tell me about yourself” he’s not asking you to regurgitate your autobiography; he really wants to know what you’re going to do to help him win his cases.

If you veer off, even just occasionally, start today to retrain the way you think. Consciously observe if you are making a simple question or issue more complex than it really is. Pay attention to not only how you communicate but how you think. Assess for yourself how you analyze your day, a problem or a case. Do you quickly get to the essence or are you cluttering unnecessarily? Do you come up for air while answering a question? Do you occasionally pause to receive feedback or clarifying questions or do you go on until the person you’re talking to starts looking for a way out of the room?

The bottom line is that in your legal nurse consulting business and in your life, simplicity sells. When someone asks you a question answer it succinctly. Attorneys want information and they want it fast. Make sure what you tell them is what they need.

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Comment and share one step you can take to simplify your legal nurse consulting communications.

2 thoughts on “When Your Attorney-Client Asks You the Time, Don’t Tell Him How to Build a Watch

  1. I was in a meeting recently with an attorney and a Medical Examiner, I observed this in action! The Doc went in to a long involved explaination, on and on… I watched as the Attorney glazed over, dropped his head and looked at me….! I got it! I was able to simplify what the Doc was saying after he left the room… Score! Needless to say our rapport has soared!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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