Most of us started a legal nurse consulting business to enjoy more career satisfaction and to have more of a life. Even if you’re a one-person CLNC® business, CLNC subcontractors and vendors can be instrumental in helping your business grow and thrive.
That’s why you want to hire CLNC subcontractors and vendors who match ALL of the qualities and characteristics that you intend to deliver to your attorney-clients. After all, it’s your name on the business, so if a subcontractor fails you, you’ll be failing your attorney-clients.
Set the bar high and don’t settle for less. Nurses are caregivers – we fix things. Like many nurses, I’ve often thought I could help fix a person or situation. But when somebody doesn’t come through for you with a quality work product or fails to meet deadlines, they’re not the one stressed out, you are. You’re the one staying up late at night to fix the problem and you’re the one working throughout the weekend, all while they’re going their merry way.
Subcontractors and vendors will make your life as easy or as hard as you let them. Set the bar high and expect your subcontractors and vendors to live up to it. You’ll be happier and so will your attorney-clients.
Success Is Yours!
P.S. Comment and share how you set a high bar for your legal nurse consultant subcontractors.