Welcome all Certified Legal Nurse Consultants who have stormed San Antonio for the 2009 NACLNC® Conference. I hope you’re as excited as I am about our keynote speaker, Stedman Graham.
Since our Conference theme is Move Like a Maverick for Breakaway CLNC® Success here are some tips that will help you maneuver through the Conference like a maverick.
- Start Day 1 off with some fun. Don’t miss out on Texas-style mariachis at 7:00am on Thursday followed by my opening Move Like a Maverick for Breakaway CLNC® Success.
- Turn off your cell phone, pager, chiming watch and any other stress-producer you’ve brought with you. This is not only a courtesy to your fellow CLNC® peers, but also a courtesy to yourself, honoring all you’ve invested to be here.
- Limit checking your email and voicemail or calling home to just once a day.
- Be open to all the new recommendations so you can achieve bold CLNC® success with your legal nurse consulting business.
- Meet and get to know two new CLNC® consultants at each break and reception. Eat lunch and dinner each day with three CLNC® consultants you don’t know. Sell your expertise to each other. You are each other’s best resources for future CLNC® subcontractors and experts.
- Practice positive masterminding. Connect with two other CLNC® consultants and mastermind together at the end of the day. Each of you will process and apply information differently. Focus only on positive ideas for your CLNC® business. By coming together, you’ll take home new strategies you wouldn’t think of alone.
- Remember to sign up for your professional photo session while at the Conference to add to your legal nurse consulting website.
- Don’t miss a session. Go in positively knowing that a single idea can increase your profitability 1%, 5%, even 10% and more.
- At each session, write down at least one action step you will take to grow your CLNC® business.
- Commit to learn one thing from each speaker. While every presentation is packed with useful information for you, the key is being in the right mindset to grab the ideas when they come your way. I once attended a seminar where only 5% of the information was interesting and fresh. But the ideas I got from that 5% added to the growth of my company by as much as 10%. Because I was committed to learning, my mind was ready when the “good stuff” was presented.
- Take the information presented and create your own new ideas. My goal when I sit in on a session is to come up with ideas that are even better than any I get from the speaker. This mindset will help you achieve a unique CLNC® business – not a look-alike imitation of someone else’s.
- Take it easy. If you allow yourself to get frustrated about anything – an airport delay or the person sitting next to you – you’re the only one who will suffer. Stay loose. If you aren’t happy with the person sitting next to you, sit next to someone else in the next session or get up and move. Stay upbeat and attract positive energy.
- Exercise daily – even for only 20 minutes. Get outside the hotel and renew yourself. Take a brisk walk around the block. Visualize your CLNC® experience as you indulge in a massage or relax in a hot tub. Treat yourself to a fun memory – buy a Texas souvenir.
- Remember to put on your comfortable CLNC®Wear so everyone in San Antonio will know you are a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.
Check back on March 16, 2009, when you can read my tips in Plan Your Moves After the 2009 NACLNC® Conference.
Success Is Inside!
P.S. The quickest and easiest way to find me is at the LegalNurse.com exhibit.
P.P.S. Please comment and let me know how you’re enjoying our Conference.
Dear Vickie,
I will not be able to attend the conference this time but I would like to know if I can purchase segments on CDs. This is the first one I have missed and regret not being able to attend. My blessings go out to you and your staff for the excellent jobs you all do at these conferences. To all of the CLNC® consultants attending- grasp everything you can! Enjoy!
Thank you for writing. I am sorry you couldn’t attend the NACLNC® Conference this year. We will have the audio recordings available to all CLNC® consultants for $497. Just give us a call at 800.880.0944 to get your audio recordings.
Upon successful completion of the post test, your unexpired CLNC® Certification, NACLNC® membership and mentoring privileges are extended free for one year.
I look forward to seeing you in Nashville at next year’s conference.
Vickie, it was great to shake your hand and share my ideas with you. The NACLNC® Conference was energetic and Stedman Graham was awesome. It was also my birthday, too, and I thought, “What a great day this is!”
I met up with a CLNC® consultant that I had only spoken to by phone. I had subcontracted a case to her last October and the attorney was very satisfied with our work product. We agreed to find each other at the conference. We were both filled with excitement to have found each other and to be at the conference together.
I also reconnected with CLNC® consultants from past conferences and met many more individuals who have the same vision as I: to grow my legal nurse consulting business. I had the opportunity to go on the Riverwalk with a group of CLNC® consultants. We stopped at a cafe for supper and ordered barbeque. One of the CLNC® consultants had won a prize in the writing contest. In between stuffing our faces and licking barbeque sauce off of our fingers, we listened intently as she shared the full story. She said she followed the Core concerning causation issues and “stuck to her guns.” This reinforced what we have learned in the CLNC® Certification Program.
In spite of getting stood up by a mariachi band this year, every conference just gets better and I come away with new goals and eager to implement new strategies. I am looking forward to testing the suggestions to get “yes” from attorney-clients. Thank you Vickie, CLNC® Mentors, speakers, VMI staff and fellow CLNC® consultants!