
Three Words for Today: Get to Work!

You know that thing you have always wanted to do? I confess I am often perplexed by a person who can never for the life of them achieve a goal they’ve set for themselves. They set the goal, they want the benefits of achieving that goal and then that’s the end of it.

What If?

We all know the person whose life would be totally different and of course much better if only “Y” had happened instead of “X.” The mantra never changes. “If Y had happened, then I could have done X” or “If only W had done Z, then my life would be different” or “If Q was different, I’d be different” and, my personal favorite, “If only Y had happened, I’d be happy or successful or married,” or whatever.

Be Happy Wherever You Are

When I’m at home, I love being home. There’s nothing better than sleeping in my own bed and enjoying a cup of healthy green tea with my bamboo clicking away outside.

Put Some Heart in Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Many of you know I share my birthday with my twin brother Vince. (No, we’re not identical, he’s my brother.). When we were teenagers, our parents took us to the local roller-skating rink for our birthday party. All of our friends came and we were soon skating clockwise around the rink, all at different speeds and at different levels of skill.

Friends, Good Friends and Louisiana Friends

I just spent the Fourth of July weekend with one of my best high school friends, Missy from New Orleans. We especially bonded when we attended an all boys high school together to take a physics class and made the Times-Picayune newspaper for being the first and only girls in the city of New Orleans to ever attend an all-boys school. Over the years we have shared laughs and tears and an incredible friendship that has stood the test of time.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Travel Apps for the Connected Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

Vickie and I travel a lot, so I’m always on the lookout for travel apps. I’ve come across some great apps that legal nurse consultants can use everywhere from Paris to Poughkeepsie and, with the exception of XE, I use all of these right in my hometown. Most of these are free and I’ve indicated where they’re available for iPhone®, Windows® Phone 7, Blackberry® and Android® users.

Here’s six of my favorite travel apps.

  1. XE Currency Converter: A FREE app that quickly converts one currency to another. You select the currencies you want to track. It can tell you what an individual Swedish Kroner is worth in U.S. dollars or, if you type in the amount of a meal in Kroners it’ll tell you how much that Swedish meatball costs in your home currency. I love this app! Available for iPhone, Android and Blackberry. There’s no Win Phone 7 version, but it does have a mobile site you can access. Get your copy at XE.com.
  2. iTranslate: A FREE app that will quickly translate short phrases from one language to another.

What, Only One Day a Year for Mom?

What is it about Mother’s Day that you love so much? Do you love the fact that your husband and child join forces to prepare breakfast in bed for you? Or is it that your husband acknowledges what a great mom you are? Or simply that this day is not like every other when you collapse into bed as limp as an overused sponge and wonder, “How long can I keep up this mad pace?”
Today’s mom is so busy doing it all that she rarely has the time to enjoy life’s greatest gift, her family.
The reality today is that even as women are making incredible achievements they’re still battling the stereotype of traditional wife and mother.

Korean Women Can Now Learn What Strengths are Inside Every Woman!

Today is such an exciting day! I received four copies of the Korean translation of my book Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now. The cover is so different from any of the other translations of the book and seeing a new cover is one of the most fun things about the foreign translations.

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

What Migratory Path is Your Certified Legal Nurse Consulting Business On?

I’ve just returned from what Tom and I call our Great Christmas Migration. Every year over Christmas and New Year’s we crisscross the country visiting family and friends, and then we close out the year with renewal time for just the two of us. On one flight, after putting away our electronics and during the landing pattern, I was catching up on my reading. I was struck by an article on the Great Migrations in the November, 2010 issue of National Geographic Magazine. The article spoke to the way migrating animals become so focused on their mission that they pass up the opportunity to eat. It mentioned one of my least favorite birds, the Arctic Tern. Remembering being attacked by them in Iceland, I talk about them in the video below.

You Have All the Gear You Need for Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business – It’s Time to Put It to Use

The weather has finally turned to fall here in Houston. This means that for a too-short period of time, those summer days of 104+ degrees are gone. Our recent mornings have been in the low 60’s, what we currently consider “crisp.” Morning is my favorite time and Tom and I are out well before the sun comes up for a walk around our “hood.” This morning was a little extra crisp so I went to get a light jacket and also noticed my hiking gear, my arctic gear, my rain gear and even my diving gear.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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