Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: How’s UPS Working for You?

I keep telling Vickie that UPS means more than the hunky guy that delivers packages to the Institute. Sure UPS stands for United Parcel Service and that’s what springs to most people’s minds when they hear it. But to a techie, UPS is more than just another way to get cool stuff delivered to your home or office. It’s what protects your computer and other equipment from electrical power surges and it protects your data from accidental loss.

You Only Get One Online Chance to Make a First Impression as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

First impressions are important. Today, more and more Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are making their first impressions online, not only with the legal community but also with other CLNC consultants. So, what impression are you making with your online presence? Do you have a plan to guide and steer your online efforts in the right direction? Here are some strategies for making your first online impression count.

Are You Marketing Up the Wrong Legal Nurse Consulting Tree?

Sometimes we get so caught up in marketing to prospective clients that we forget one of the most lucrative marketing sources – our existing clients. Focusing your marketing efforts on your existing and prior clients will often yield a much higher return on your efforts than prospecting for new clients.

Where Will Your Integrity Take You Today?

I found myself standing in the gas chamber at Auschwitz contemplating how I arrived there. My father’s family is Sicilian – 100%. Picture a 13-year-old boy holding his uncle’s hand, gazing at the Statue of Liberty from the deck of a passenger liner in the early 1900s and that’s Papa Milazzo, my grandfather. My family name, Milazzo, comes from a village in Sicily. My grandparents knew each other as children before leaving Sicily and lucky, against all odds, managed to hook up and marry in the U.S.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Word 2007 Timesavers and Fun Tips for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

I’ve slowly grown accustomed to Word 2007 and all its petty quirks and timesaving features that don’t save you any time. One of my chief complaints about the latest iteration of Word is that annoying little “Mini Toolbar” that pops up any time you highlight some text. You know the one I mean – it gives you a font choice, size, color, indentation, etc. Any legal nurse consultant will tell you that whenever you highlight text to copy or drag, the Mini Toolbar will absolutely, positively appear right over the very spot you need to grab that text to drag it and drop it.

Worst Advice Two Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Almost Took

At some point in our lives we’ve all received bad advice that in retrospect we know we should have never listened to. But the worst advice is not advice at all. It comes in the form of negative naysayers who convince us that we’re not good enough, smart enough or strong enough to start a business or pursue a career dream. I asked two CLNC consultants to share how they almost let naysayers extinguish their fire for their new legal nurse consulting businesses.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Whatever’s Bugging You Today – Let’s Patch It Up!

I’ve blogged and blogged about the usefulness of the Adobe PDF (portable document format) file format and its usefulness to legal nurse consultants. For the longest time these files were pretty much free from attack by hackers and other malfeasors. Well, that’s all changed and Adobe Reader and Acrobat are now under attack. If you haven’t switched to one of the free or alternative PDF reader/creators, it’s time to take at least one step to help protect yourself from the hackers.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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