Ruthanne Lafever, RN, BSN, CEN, CLNC, shares how just days after passing her CLNC® Certification Exam and entering her information into the NACLNC® Directory she was contacted by another Certified Legal Nurse Consultant to consult on a case within her specialty. Congratulations Ruthanne!
All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants should use this as a gentle nudge to update your NACLNC Directory listing. Thousands of CLNC consultants are interested in you!
Congratulations Ruthanne!
Success Is Inside!
P.S. Comment to congratulate Ruthanne on her CLNC® success.
P.P.S. Read more CLNC® Success Stories and send your CLNC® Success Story to [email protected].
Congratulations Ruthanne! I had just updated my NACLNC® Directory listing last week and I got an email through the directory two days ago (it does work). The email was from a nurse in my state who had questions about being a CLNC® consultant and if the is a good program? I felt honored to fill that request so I emailed her and called her. I gave a glowing report of the program and how she could become successful doing this business. It was an exciting conversation and I highly encouraged her to get her CLNC® certification. I also told her how she can subcontract with other CLNC® consultants and build her business. Now, I have a new friend and a potential CLNC® subcontractor whom I can do business with!
All you out there who have not updated the directory, I highly encourage you to do so, I may need you!
Dear Ruthanne,
This is awesome news. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. If you ever need help on a consultation job, please contact me. I would enjoy helping you and getting to know you, too.
Have a wonderful spring and summer.
Warmest regards,