My Most Memorable CLNC® Case

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case: Münchausen by Proxy

Over the years, I have become acquainted with the attorneys in one of my oldest attorney-client’s law firm. It’s a large multi-specialty firm. I always find out who the other attorneys in a firm are and contact them, just to introduce myself and let them know I’m working with one of their colleagues. Of course I let them know what I do as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and put a bug in their ear that they too can use my CLNC services. One of my most memorable cases came from working with an attorney in the family law department.

Acknowledge Your Unique Expertise for Power Positioning

As an RN, you come from an industry that shows scant respect for all you know and all you do. It’s a fact that consumers believe doctors make the big decisions. As a result, it’s doctors who get most of the credit. But you and I know that it is the nurse who has more patient interaction and invariably knows more about what’s really going on with the patient. And it pays substantially to convince attorneys of this fact.

Business Travel Strategies for the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant on the Go

Discuss Travel Expenses in Advance – If you’re traveling with an attorney-client or at his request as a CLNC consultant you should always discuss your travel expenses (e.g., airfare, meals, hotel and cancellation/change fees) and consulting fees in advance. You don’t want any surprises at billing time that may undermine the trust or good-will you have built up with that attorney.

CLNC Success Story: We Consult in 11 States and Here’s How!

CLNC® Success Story: We Consult in 11 States and Here’s How!

Janice Lange, RN, BSN, CLNC, and Joyce Gerdes, RN, BSN, CLNC, co-owners of L.E.G.I.T. Legal Nurse Consultants share how they found the key to winning a case for an attorney-client that three other consultants missed. They also share some of their secrets for gaining attorney-clients in eleven states. SPOILER ALERT: The secrets include calling, persistence, marketing to paralegals and my personal favorite – only using CLNC consultants as subcontractors.

Life is One Long Audition for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Our good friend, Willie Nelson (who just turned 80 on April 30th) once said, “Life is one long audition” and that adage applies to Certified Legal Nurse Consultants as much as it does to musicians. Whether it’s the reports you write or the opinions you communicate to your attorney-clients, you’re only as good as your last work product, interaction or, dare I say, performance.

My First Case Came Down the Chimney with Santa

The one case I’ll always remember is my first case. Two days before Christmas, a defense attorney hired me to consult on a breast cancer case. On Christmas Eve a large box of records was delivered to my door.

If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Try to Fix It

I was negotiating the renewal of a contract with a company I’d worked with for several years. I have a solid relationship with the CEO, so each year we simply change the dates on the new contract, leaving the contract terms the same.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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