If you missed the Video Webinar, “What Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Should Know About Personal Injury Cases” Certified Legal Nurse Consultants can view it now.
Personal injury (PI) cases are the most commonly litigated injury cases. Knowledge of how to consult on PI cases can help you expand your CLNC® business. In this Webinar, Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, Michelle Neal, RN, BSN, CLNC discusses your role as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant in personal injury cases. Michelle has worked on hundreds of PI cases which qualifies her to address how to identify damage and causation issues. She emphasizes how pre-existing conditions may or may not contribute to alleged injuries and the importance of analyzing subsequent treating records to assess the long-term effects of the incident. Watch the Video to learn how to expand your CLNC business with personal injury cases.
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