What Legal Nurse Consulting Mind Are You Using Today?

What Legal Nurse Consulting Mind Are You Using Today?

A genius for all times, Albert Einstein once said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” When I first read this, I contemplated its meaning and thought: It is only a problem if I allow myself to view it as such. Applying Einstein’s statement in a practical way to my everyday CLNC® business, I thought: to solve a problem I’ve obviously helped to create, I need to start with a new and fresh MIND.

For example, we condition ourselves to do things the same way, rarely trying new and fresh approaches. For many of us, myself included, the Pavlovian response to new ideas and solving problems is, “The problem with that is….” Well, the problem with that is precisely what Einstein knew – that we can’t solve problems as long as we make them problems. Unless you change your mindset, your thoughts or your inner talk, you will get the same results. Every problem will be a problem when instead it could be a real adventure and opportunity.

Oversimplification? Perhaps. CLNC business applications? Infinite. One of the things that makes my husband Tom good with computers is that he doesn’t see a computer problem as a problem. He simply views it as a fun puzzle to solve. I’ve watched him call tech support on an issue and then help the techie resolve it simply because he thinks with a different mindset.

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nurses often find themselves struggling to change their careers and change their lives with the same mind and the same thoughts that got them to where they were in the first place. The same mind that saves the lives of patients in the middle of the night when the rest of the world is sleeping can surely undo what keeps you from moving forward with your career goals for your future.

As an RN, you already know how the mind works. Here are a few strategies for putting what you already know to use.

Break the Patterns

Your mind is made up of neural pathways that are like roads connecting bits of information. Most of us have found ourselves walking or driving home only to jolt alert and wonder how we got there so fast. The road is so familiar we follow it automatically. The same thing happens in your mind. Once you learn a thing and do it over and over, you follow that pathway from one thought to another automatically, which allows you to walk, speak and move a fork from plate to mouth.

The mind likes patterns, and it’s not always easy to break a pattern. But breaking a pattern presents an opportunity for finding a new solution to a recurring problem. Merely going to an unfamiliar coffee shop to brainstorm ideas can give you a new mindset. You’ll discover fresh ways to implement new and useful solutions.

Stimulate New Senses

The mind stores information along with the entire sensory environment present when that information is acquired. That’s why the smell of vanilla cake baking can bring back a memory of a favorite aunt or the smell of motor oil always reminds you of that time your car broke down on a lonely road. Manage sensory input and you can redirect your neural pathways, at least for the time it takes to tackle a problem. Use candles or potpourri or simply reach into your pantry for a wealth of stimulating scents.

Change Some Small Action or Behavior

Often taking action, even a small one, will automatically change your thoughts. Try this: instead of going immediately to your computer, if that’s your habit, stop instead to write out a short list of what you want to accomplish and then power up.

For example, consider the two CLNC consultants I was mentoring on marketing. The first was complaining about the lack of attorneys in her rural area. She thought her market was limited. The other CLNC consultant, also from a rural area, had marketed to attorneys outside her town and was so busy she was struggling to keep up. She thinks the market is unlimited. In fact, it was exactly that attitude that led her to the action that got her the positive results.

Think about which mind you have working to solve your Certified Legal Nurse Consultant challenges. Try Einstein’s approach beginning today. Visit a new coffee shop, burn a scented candle or change one small action or behavior each day. Your problems and challenges won’t disappear, but suddenly you’ll find them easier to solve. You may even awaken the genius that is within you.

Success Is Yours,

P.S. Comment to share what mind you will use today.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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