
6 Components of a Legal Nurse Consulting Promotional Package

You’ve completed the CLNC® Certification Program and you’re ready to go. Now it’s time to pull your promotional package together.

Follow the guidelines below as you develop a first-class CLNC promotional package. Get started on your marketing with a business card, brochure and a strong introductory letter. Then develop your sample work product and resume and be prepared to present them when you meet face to face with the attorney.

If you don’t want to spend the time and money on the tedious task of developing your promotional package and hiring designers and copywriters, we offer the CLNC Marketing Center Templates. Our expert writers and professional designers have done it for you. Our CLNC Marketing Templates will save you thousands of dollars.

All you do is select the marketing materials you want to purchase and add your contact details. Then simply place your order and your CLNC Marketing Essentials will be delivered to you. Choose from brochures, business cards, letterhead, envelopes and more. Check out the CLNC Wear and CLNC Promotional Items too.

  1. Business CardsAlways carry some with you. Also attach to correspondence and brochures. You can purchase business cards through the CLNC Marketing Center. Choose the design that matches your brochure. You can add your name and credentials, company name, address, website, email address and phone number.
  2. Letter of IntroductionAs a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant you will have many opportunities to introduce yourself to attorney-prospects through letters of introduction. Whether the attorney is a referral from a client or an attorney you read about in the news, all letters of introduction should include these four essential paragraphs.

    Paragraph 1 – Briefly introduce yourself as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. The first sentence should make the attorney want to read more. Mention anyone who referred you to the attorney or point out a connection you discovered through your research (e.g., news, website, etc.). Focus on the attorney and personalize the message to demonstrate you know who the attorney is. Before writing the letter of introduction you should have researched that attorney and the law firm. Customize the letter to the attorney’s needs as evidenced by practice area and biography revealed in your research.

    Paragraph 2 – Highlight your USP (unique selling position) and your expertise. Explain how your USP and professional experience relate to and will benefit this specific attorney.

    Paragraph 3 – List the CLNC services relevant to this attorney and reinforce the benefits of using you as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant on the case. Be sure you market the right CLNC services to the right attorney.

    Paragraph 4 – Tell the attorney you will be contacting her within a week and add an appointment on your calendar to make that call. Attorneys test your follow-through. If you say one week and call in two, you’ve bungled the opportunity.

    P.S. – Add a pithy P.S. Marketing research proves that the P.S. is the first or second thing the recipient reads, so create an intriguing P.S. that will make the attorney want to call or read more. Offer a case screening. This is a great way to show the attorney what you can do. You should have a signed letter agreement stating exactly what work you will do as part of the free case screening – e.g., screen the report and give a verbal opinion – and that any additional work requested will be billed at your hourly rate. When you give your verbal opinion you would also give your recommendations for further case development – locating experts, research, writing a report, etc. Once you have the attorney’s agreement to proceed, secure a retainer and then bill at your hourly rate.

    When developing your letter of introduction follow these four simple letter-writing strategies:

    • Limit the letter to one page. Put “fat” writing on a diet. Remove extraneous words that do not add meaning to the letter.
    • Research the attorney’s website and customize the letter to the attorney’s legal practice.
    • Speak to the attorney directly. Use “you” frequently.
    • Outline, write, then polish.

    The main goal of your letter of introduction is to obtain an appointment with the attorney-prospect so you can sell your CLNC services in person. Include these four essential paragraphs and a dynamite P.S. to deliver you to the attorney’s office. Always use letterhead stationary that matches your brochure.

  3. BrochureA brochure is your professional advertisement. You can purchase brochures through the CLNC Marketing Center. Select the design you like best. The brochure includes the types of cases Certified Legal Nurse Consultants consult on, CLNC services and the benefits of using a CLNC consultant, a call to action – “Call today for your free initial consultation.”, an attorney testimonial and answers to frequently asked questions. You then add your name and credentials, company name, address, website, phone number and email address.
  4. ResumeMake your CLNC resume a quick and easy read for attorneys. Focus on the education and professional experience that are most relevant to attorneys.

    Begin with the Summary of Qualifications. This is a short bulleted list that presents your most relevant clinical and legal nurse consulting experience.

    • Identify your top five selling points that uniquely qualify you to review cases for attorneys. (For example – five years of emergency experience, ten years of medical-surgical experience, ACLS certified, chair of the policy and procedure committee, etc.)
    • Define the knowledge and experience you possess and how you can specifically meet an attorney’s needs. Be sure to translate your experience into a meaningful benefit for the attorney. For example – Five years emergency experience: “I have assessed emergency care and documentation, qualifying me to evaluate emergency issues in medical-related cases.”

    Next, add and complete the Professional Experience, Education, Certifications, Publications and Presentations sections. Organize your relevant accomplishments in each of these areas in chronological order, with the most recent first. Be sure your resume includes every type of case you have worked on and every applicable nursing experience.

    Before submitting your resume, proofread carefully and spell-check. Also, remember that the resume should not be added to a promotional package you’re mailing unless specifically requested by the attorney. Instead, take it with you to interviews.

    If you are a testifying expert, keep in mind that everything in your resume is discoverable.

  5. Sample ReportPresent your portfolio of samples for live interviews, and do not include in your promotional package unless requested to do so. Develop one- to two-page samples of reports, not a comprehensive report. The most popular format with attorneys is the chronological timeline with comments, however, it is more effective if you show a variety of formats. Be sure to develop samples for each category of case (e.g., medical malpractice, personal injury, etc.) on which the attorney specializes. Also consider whether the attorney represents plaintiffs or defendants.

    You can develop a brief report and a hypothetical chronological timeline sample work product using the case studies in the module “How to Screen Medical-Related Cases Effectively and Efficiently” in the Core Curriculum for Legal Nurse Consulting® textbook. Also refer to the module “Comprehensive Case Evaluation Strategies and Report Writing Techniques” in the Core Curriculum. You may use the report you developed in the Apprenticeship if you completed the NACLNC® Report Writing Apprenticeship.

  6. Letters of RecommendationA letter of recommendation from another attorney – it doesn’t get any better than that. Ask for letters of recommendation when the attorney is raving about your work product. You can also create a testimonial sheet to add to your promotional package.

Once you’ve completed your promotional package send it to attorneys you meet or learn of through your contacts. Ask permission to use the contact’s name as a reference or ask for a letter of recommendation. Research the attorney’s specialty and types of cases handled and customize your materials to that attorney.

Apply the mail-call-mail-call-mail-call principle. The intent of the promotional package is to set an appointment with the attorney-prospect. Include an invitation to meet at his or her earliest convenience to discuss how he or she may benefit from your services in this specific area of litigation. If you do not reach the attorney the first time you call, try to call at least two more times. Even if you do not speak to an attorney after three attempts, continue to send direct mail. On average, a person has to see something four to seven times before making a buying decision.

You can also request time to do a short presentation on a medical-related topic, or tailor it to what the firm or attorney handles the most in their practice.

When the timing is right the attorney will be responsive to your marketing, so continue to position yourself to be the first CLNC consultant he thinks of when the need arises.

Success Is Yours,

P.S. Comment here and share any additional items you include in your legal nurse consulting promotional package.

One thought on “6 Components of a Legal Nurse Consulting Promotional Package

  1. One of the things I found while looking up marketing ideas on Amazon was door hangers. I have a Cricut machine so I’m able to print stickers and place them on the door hangers and make a quick trip around town and hang them just as a reminder that I’m out here. I think I’ll order those when I’m finished with the course!

    Because I have a Cricut, I’m also making tshirts for myself and family with a logo on the front and a larger one on the back with phone # and web address.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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