
10 Easy-to-Use Exhibiting Strategies for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

I asked the CLNC® Pros to share their favorite easy-to-use exhibiting strategies for gaining new attorney-clients. Add these top 10 marketing ideas to your next exhibit with attorneys.

  1. Make your legal nurse consulting exhibit eye popping, big and colorful. Not too busy, not too much information. You don’t want the attorneys to be confused or put off by having to read too much. Make sure you have enough light on the exhibit so that it can be easily seen, even from a distance. The display does not have to be huge. If done well, a simple table top display can be very effective and easier to manage.
  2. I have banners that hang in front of or behind my booth that include my business name, logo, phone number and website. They have grommet holes for easy attachment and they roll up easily for storage. They get the essential information out visibly, look great and aren’t expensive.

    Last year I exhibited at a local event. It was small and not costly to exhibit. Although the attendee list was small, I ended up gaining two excellent attorney-clients from that event. I never sat down and made an effort to draw in every attorney that walked by my booth. One attorney told me that large exhibits did not impress him. He was much more interested in the personal touch and the conversation in which we engaged. He thought I had a lot of “guts” and that’s what drew him to me. He actually didn’t even live in my city. He lived 120 miles away and I now get every one of his cases. He is a very busy personal injury attorney, and he has referred many of his colleagues to me.”

    Dale Barnes, RN, MSN, PHN, CLNC

  1. Get the best location in the exhibit hall that your advertising dollars will buy. Your CLNC® business will benefit when you are on a main aisle close to the entrance…or the food!
  2. Promote your risk-free guarantee as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant on your display and when talking to attorney-prospects.
  3. If you are exhibiting at a conference that has 500-1,000 attorneys attending, take someone with you so you don’t miss a single opportunity to promote your CLNC® business.
  4. Dress professionally and maintain a high level of energy. Energy is contagious. Having fun and being professional are not mutually exclusive. Stand in front of the booth, not behind the table and don’t sit down. This creates the space for the attorney-prospects to easily approach you. Even if you have to move out into the aisle approach the attorneys to invite them into your space.
  5. Give attorney-prospects promotional materials or items that have your contact information and promote your legal nurse consulting business. People like to get free things to take with them (pens, Post It® notes, audio CDs on topics such as electronic medical records, etc.). These are items that they will be using well into the future and when the day comes that they just can’t figure something out on one of their cases, they will remember you, and right at their fingertips will be your contact information. As they sit there twirling their pen, they will see that the answer to their prayers is right in their hand.

“One attorney told me that he couldn’t remember my name when he was struggling with a case, but when he took his pen out of his mouth, there I was. He always says that that was the best pen he has ever had.”

Nikki Chuml, RNC, FMC, PRN, CLNC

“Give away fortune cookies that have a catchy fortune and your contact information. The fortune can read, ‘Confucius says lawyers that understand the value of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants succeed where others fail!’”

Dorene Goldstein, RNC, CLNC

  1. Include a drawing for a free case screening in exchange for the attorney-prospects’ business cards. This gives them a reason to stay connected. You can have as many winners as you have time for. Many Certified Legal Nurse Consultants use this strategy as a way to get their foot in the door. Most tell us that when they call the law firm to announce the free screening they get through to the attorney with ease. As one CLNC® consultant says, “It works every time.” You can also have a drawing for an in-house presentation on a topic relevant to the law firm’s medical-related cases and again have as many winners as you have time for.
  2. Never leave your CLNC® booth and always exhibit to the very end. You’ll meet some of the best attorney-prospects near the end of the day. Also, stay during session time for the attorneys who skip a session to get an edge on the exhibits.
  3. Attend all social functions sponsored by the association to which exhibitors are invited. Make it your goal to meet at least 5-8 attorneys at each function.
  4. Stay off your cell phone and computer at all times when attorneys are in the exhibit space.

Use these top 10 exhibiting strategies from these CLNC® Pros the next time you are in front of attorneys to guarantee you take home a new attorney-client every time.

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Comment and share your most effective exhibiting strategies in promoting your legal nurse consulting business.

7 thoughts on “10 Easy-to-Use Exhibiting Strategies for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

  1. Thank you all for some great advice! Very practical too. I love the fortune cookie idea! I’ll definitely look into that one for my upcoming exhibiting plans.

  2. I have a booth reserved at the upcoming Baton Rouge Bar Association’s Annual Expo this Wed., Sept. 8th. Very excited about it and looking forward to meeting Attorney-Client prospects! Will put your advice into action – also love the fortune cookie idea, although too late this time (will surely remember that tip for next time!). Getting energized for Wednesday! Thank you again for the excellent advice and tips!!

  3. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

    Tommie, I know you’ll do great in Baton Rouge. Let us know how it goes.

    Christine and Tommie: when you do your fortune cookies, be sure to share what they say with us.

    Success Is Yours!

  4. The Baton Rouge Bar Expo was great! I met a lot of attorneys (of course!) and paralegals. Several request that I call them to help with cases. Others gave me referrals! Definitely have some prospects – will follow up with calls first thing in the morning – so stay tuned. Truly had fun setting up my first exhibition booth and getting ‘out there’! I will definitely use the fortune cookies next time! Will have to think of ‘catchy’ sayings to go inside! Thank you Vickie for your encouragement!!

  5. Congratulations, Tommie, on your exhibiting success! It is so exhilarating and lends new energy to your CLNC® success. Keep us posted and remember to share your ideas for your fortune cookies with me and your fellow Certified Legal Nurse Consultants.

  6. I would love to participate in some exhibitions. How do I find out when and where the next one is taking place?

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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