
Legal Nurse Consultant Blog

Life is One Long Audition for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Our good friend, Willie Nelson (who just turned 80 on April 30th) once said, “Life is one long audition” and that adage applies to Certified Legal Nurse Consultants as much as it does to musicians. Whether it’s the reports you write or the opinions you communicate to your attorney-clients, you’re only as good as your last work product, interaction or, dare I say, performance.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Security Software for the Insecure or Heavily Secured Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

The Internet can be a fun place, but like any city in the good ole US of A, there are good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods. While you can have too little security on your legal nurse consulting business’s computer, you can also have too much security. Security suites have come a long way from the days of stand-alone antivirus, firewall and other software. Today they’re often all-inclusive but are designed to run “on their own.”

Vices Aren’t Bad as Long as They’re Good for You

Those of you that know me well understand that there’s only one thing worse than missing my two cups of healthy green tea in the morning, and that’s missing that one steaming hot cup of coffee that really jumpstarts my day. In my increasingly larger coffee mug is where the tower of terror used to stand. But no more. I’ve got a new vice − one that’s healthier and just as much fun. Instead of saturating my coffee with heavy cream, now I saturate it with 100% dark cocoa powder.

Energy is a Limited Resource

I detest fakery because it takes a huge amount of energy that I prefer to direct to more meaningful pursuits. Likewise, seeing only the worst in a person depletes energy too.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Keep a Clean Screen and Be Green!

A long-time CLNC amigo and avid Tech Tip reader (same thing) asked me, “Tom, what’s the best way to keep my computer screen clean.” As with all tech-related questions, that’s a good one. The days of plain glass displays are long gone. In fact the only glass on the desks of most Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are their chipped and worn “NACLNC 7-Day Weekend” souvenir shot glasses.

My First Case Came Down the Chimney with Santa

The one case I’ll always remember is my first case. Two days before Christmas, a defense attorney hired me to consult on a breast cancer case. On Christmas Eve a large box of records was delivered to my door.

How Can It Be Lonely At the Top If We’re All There Together?

Yesterday, a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant shared that she was afraid to take her CLNC business to the next level because she didn’t want to create jealousy among her legal nurse consulting colleagues. This strong woman is afraid it will be lonely at the top. My response: “It sure can’t be any lonelier at the top than it is at the bottom. At least at the top you can afford good wine for your friends and you never have to put your holiday shopping on layaway at the dollar store.”

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Tablet or PC for Me?

The tablet market keeps growing wider and broader with more and more entries. It’s becoming harder and harder to take the leap of faith into the market and choose any one. Many Certified Legal Nurse Consultants have asked me whether they should buy a tablet or a computer, and if so, which one. To be clear upfront – tablets are computers just like smartphones are computers. They’re just smaller computers with limited (for now) capabilities.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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