The meaning of something is nothing more than what we make it. Two legal nurse consultants can be in the same situation but come out with different interpretations of the experience. Why? One pushes and resists, while the other flows with the experience. Michelangelo’s masterpiece “David” was carved from one piece of Carrara marble that two other sculptors had tried to carve, but rejected as bad. After the rejections, that particular piece of marble had lain untouched for 25 years before Michelangelo was able to convince the government of Florence that he could work with the stone. The result became art history.
When I worked in the ICU, I learned that fighting the equipment got me nowhere. Working with it, like Michelangelo did with a slab of Carrara marble, made the equipment work (well at least most of the time). Unlike me and the equipment, Michelangelo never fought the marble, he simply let it guide him. The same principle applies in your CLNC® business. Relax, and you will redefine your experience, even when an attorney says No to you or when your day is not going as planned. Let the experience guide you. It may take you to a higher place or it may simply be preparing you for that journey.
Most of us are not destined to carve a “David” but we are all destined to be defined by the meaning we personally attach to each and every experience. The moment we know this in our DNA is the moment we align with our highest authentic success. What do you create from your raw material and how will you reveal your masterpiece? Will you create your “David” quickly and easily or will you struggle against the stone until it’s time for your “David” to appear?
Life is meant to be good. For 2024 my desire for you is that you bring expanded meaning to your life and your CLNC business.
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment and share what meaning you intend to bring to 2024.