I occasionally talk to an RN who’s interested in becoming a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant but afraid to get started. Having mentored RNs for 34 years now, I’ve observed how fear can stop us. Yes, fear causes us to get in our own way of achieving a goal – all because we see ourselves as who we are and can’t yet see who we can one day be.
That’s why Degas’ words are one of my favorite quotes: “You must have an elevated idea not of what you do, but what you can one day do.” Anything ever invented has to first be imagined. And there’s no greater invention than who and what we humans are capable of.
As children our imaginations are boundless. We believe we can be whatever we want to be at any given moment, whether it’s a princess, superhero, engineer or president. But then, we become adults and often fall prey to the practical, historical and sometimes external and simply stop imagining. We begin to lose sight of our possibility and sell ourselves short, ultimately surrendering to something less.
If you’re holding back on an audacious goal, first impassion your mind with that goal. Next imagine achieving it and use your passion to drive positive actions toward making the goal a reality. When you vividly envision the desired result, and reinforce that desire by acting on the goal, you’re on your way to elevating yourself to who you can one day be.
Success Is Yours!
P.S. Comment and share how you actively focus on elevating who you can be and what you can do.