
The 10 Newest and Proven Strategies to Be Healthier Than Ever

To be a successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, you want to attain your optimal level of health.

I invite you to join me along with my personal physician, Jyotsna Sahni, MD, for a FREE Webinar Recording – The 10 Newest and Proven Strategies to Be Healthier Than Ever. When you meet Dr. Sahni, you’ll instantly get why I travel from Houston (where we have one of the most world renowned medical centers) to the desert of Arizona each year for her expert medical advice.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Zombie Alert: Warn Your Legal Nurse Consulting Colleagues

We get a lot of email here at LegalNurse.com. I know Vickie’s blogged about the quality of the email. While most of the Institute’s email is legitimate and comes from Certified Legal Nurse Consultants seeking mentoring or from nurses seeking new careers as Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, some is from the good and most trusted friends we’ve never met asking us to help transfer a 3-million dollar inheritance out of some small African nation. We have a pretty strong spam filter but we still get a small portion of harmless “spam” promoting whatever someone thinks we need – machine tools from China, cheap pharmaceuticals or proposed business relationships. Whatever it contains, as with all email, we’ve got to slog through it, answering and deleting until the email box is empty (it never is).

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Point Out the Obvious to Attorney-Clients

One of my favorite things to do in Austin, Texas, other than eating at La Condesa, is walking the trail around Lady Bird Lake. It’s peaceful and relaxing being by the water. You get to see aquatic wildlife and, if you’re fast enough, sometimes you can catch a glimpse of a turtle or two sunning themselves on the bank. On our last trip, while walking the trail, Tom and I had a pretty good laugh over a warning sign we ran into on the trail, obviously put in place by a well-meaning worker from the City of Austin’s Public Works Department. It reads: SIDEWALK CLOSED, USE OTHER SIDE.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Get a Grip on Your Duality with a Taskbar for Dual Monitors

All Certified Legal Nurse Consultants know I’m a fan of dual monitors. I can’t live without them and when I’m saddled with my laptop’s single monitor, say when I’m traveling or sitting in the back pew of church, I feel the pain. It’s funny. Once you go to dual monitors you never want a single monitor again. Just ask any of the staff members here at LegalNurse.com.

RNs and Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Are You Ordering Off the Right Menu?

I talk to thousands of RNs every year who are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the healthcare system. Many of these conversations remind me of a dinner I had with my father at an Italian restaurant. After an animated discussion with the waiter, my dad ordered a pasta dish that wasn’t on the menu, telling the waiter exactly what he wanted in it.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Is Someone Minding Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business?

Some time ago I blogged about privacy concerns for legal nurse consultants and using a frameless privacy filter on your CLNC® business’s laptop screen. A privacy filter keeps people (like your spouse or some other nefarious villian) from looking over your shoulder while you’re working (or not) and seeing what you’re working on (or not). I spend a lot of time on airplanes and am amazed at the things I see on people’s computer screens, things that make me blush!

16 Strategies for Screening Medical-Related Cases Effectively and Efficiently as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

Screening medical-related cases is one of the most important legal nurse consulting services you will provide as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Not only is it one of my favorite CLNC services but it is the first CLNC service you usually provide for new attorney-clients. Do it well and the attorneys keep coming back for more. Here are 16 screening strategies to keep your attorney-clients coming.

Do You Speak USP as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

While I was pursuing my nursing degree in the late 90s, I was also working on my Spanish degree. Being from North Dakota where few people speak Spanish, Hispanic friends and colleagues often ask me how in the world I learned Spanish. I tell them I just fell in love with the language when I started taking Spanish in the 7th grade. I received my Spanish degree in 1998 and have been speaking Spanish since then.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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