
Father’s Day – A Day to Honor What Our Dads Taught Us About Entrepreneurship

When my father was a kid, he didn’t even know a nickel. He and his friends were penny boys. They couldn’t afford comic books or candy, but they found creative ways to have fun on what they called “the greatest corner in the world.”

Nothing got in the way of their fun. If a skate broke, they’d tear it apart and make a scooter. They’d make their own toys.

My father taught me that fun was what you made it. It wasn’t about spending money, or possessing the latest Barbie. Although, I would have really enjoyed a CEO Barbie. (Wouldn’t that be great, the one that comes complete with her own briefcase, power suit and assistant. “Ken. Get me a cup of coffee. NOW!”)

Even having kids didn’t stop my parents or their friends from enjoying life. When they were married with children, none of them could afford babysitters. No problem. They went out anyway, kids and all, each couple taking turns babysitting in the car while the rest were inside dancing the swing, celebrating life.

When I feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities, I think about how my parents always found time to dance! Happy Father’s Day and thanks Dad, for teaching me how to dance and to appreciate the simple joys of entrepreneurship and my legal nurse consulting education company.

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Comment and share what your dad taught you about your CLNC® business.

3 thoughts on “Father’s Day – A Day to Honor What Our Dads Taught Us About Entrepreneurship

  1. Thanks for the reminder that fun does not have to be expensive! My parents and especially my dad loved to have friends over to play cards and laugh. I would lay awake listening to all that fun and dream about the day when I would be old enough to stay up late and laugh out loud like they did. My parents and especially my dad infused the belief in me that I really could be ANYTHING I wanted to when I grew up. Their faith in a loving God sustained them through parenting and all of life’s challenges and they accomplished their dreams. My dad is my hero and I thank him today and every day for giving me the confidence to reach for my dreams of success as a CLNC® consultant!

  2. Vickie- thanks for sharing the memories with all of us. We are so blessed by the memories that we have of our parents and the life lessons that they taught us. Unfortunately my father passed away 24 years ago but I know he is looking down on me. I think about him often when I succeed with my legal nurse consulting business. I know that he is very proud of “his little girl” and what I’ve become!
    Happy Father’s Day Dad!

  3. I then and now, though he’s been gone for almost 15 years, thank my Dad for never telling me “No.” For some that would be a bad thing.
    But what he said, instead, was “Lynnie, I won’t tell you No – but if you do this (whatever it was I wanted his permission or blessing for),” he’d say, “here are some possible consequences. Give it some thought and let me know how you make out.”
    More times than I can count I returned to my Dad with my proverbial tail between my legs – looking for an easy out – for Dad to “fix it.”
    Instead he’d say, “Well, Lynnie, that’s quite a mess you’re in. Here are some possible ways to fix it (and he’d list two or three possible solutions). Then he’d go on, “Here are possible consequences of your choice to get yourself out of that mess….Let me know how you make out….”
    My Dad was my greatest teacher, a mentor every day he lived, my hero. He was self taught man who never graduated from school – and at the end of his life he was made an Honorary Professor in a college in Philadelphia teaching the rudiments of his profession – his business – Public Relations and Advertising. We had Senators and Presidential hopefuls sitting down to dinner with us while he – and they – talked politics and national and world events – and he included me in those conversations. Asked me my opinion – and I gave it – at the tender age of 14 and 15 and 16…..to those Senators and Presidential hopefuls, even to an alleged “Mafia Boss”! He realized one of his dreams for me when he attended my graduation from nursing school – I wish he had lived long enough to see my CLNC Certificate framed over my office desk (his other dream was for me to become an attorney! – Though I am not one (nor desire to be one) that I work closely with attorneys would have him bursting with pride and ante up his bragging rights big time. I am a successful woman because of him – he empowered me when a lesser man would likely have grounded me! Thanks, Dad. I miss you.

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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