Vickie Milazzo’s Favorite Quotes

Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Florence Nightingale

Today we celebrate not only Florence Nightingale’s birthday, but also the modern nursing profession she created. As a result of her groundbreaking strategies, Florence helped turn nursing into an established, trained and educated profession.

Take This Survey To See How Stressed You Are

After announcing our new stress survey Are You Way Too Stressed? on May 13, I was amazed to see that more than 1,900 of you have already taken time in your busy schedules to take the survey. From the data collected, we will be able to learn about the causes and effects of stress, and I can’t wait to share the results with you and the nursing community. I’ve seen an incredible response from RNs of all ages, backgrounds and specialties which suggests stress has no favorites.

Nurses, Are You Waaaaaay Too Stressed Out?

As an RN, your day-to-day is loaded with commitments and responsibilities that the rest of the working world can only imagine. Pushing yourself to a breaking point day in and day out for your career is enough to make even the most energetic of nurses feel stressed out. Believe me, I’ve been there, done that, and have the unfortunate grey hair or two to prove it! Thanks to my hair stylist you’ll never see it. That’s why I’m launching this stress study – to get to the root of the nursing industry’s stress epidemic…and you can help! Scroll down to take the 12-question survey: Are You Way Too Stressed Out?

Three Things I Choose Not to Do in My CLNC® Business

I choose not to engage in stinking thinking. Thoughts like “I can’t do this…I can’t do that…I wish I could but I can’t” never enter my mind nor do I say them. Positive thoughts and spoken words attract positive happenings in my life and in my CLNC business, while negative thoughts and spoken words attract negative happenings in your life. I also choose not to listen to dream squashers – you know who they are – individuals who tell you that your ideas or goals are no good and that you are not going to succeed. “Dream squashers be gone” is my motto and it has served me well in my legal nurse consulting business.

What Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Can Learn from a Cheeseburger

There’s a small restaurant in our neighborhood that specializes in burgers. We often walk past it when we’re out cruising our hood and it’s always busy. So when we decided to try it, I had high expectations. My mouth was watering in anticipation but my reality couldn’t have been any further from my expectation. The burgers were pretty bad and even Tom, who is not that picky about hamburgers, didn’t finish his. What made the hamburger bad was the meat itself had no quality.

The Best Movie of the Summer for Legal Nurse Consultants

One of my passions is dance. I love dance in all of its variations, modern dance, ballet, jazz, tap and even interpretational movement. I admire the strength, athleticism and the ability of the dancers to contort their bodies into all kinds of impossible positions. If you’ve ever thought those male ballet dancers don’t measure up to other testosterone-laden male athletes, just ask your husband to lift you over your head and dance across your living room. My husband, Tom, is still recovering from that move.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Point Out the Obvious to Attorney-Clients

One of my favorite things to do in Austin, Texas, other than eating at La Condesa, is walking the trail around Lady Bird Lake. It’s peaceful and relaxing being by the water. You get to see aquatic wildlife and, if you’re fast enough, sometimes you can catch a glimpse of a turtle or two sunning themselves on the bank. On our last trip, while walking the trail, Tom and I had a pretty good laugh over a warning sign we ran into on the trail, obviously put in place by a well-meaning worker from the City of Austin’s Public Works Department. It reads: SIDEWALK CLOSED, USE OTHER SIDE.

Do You Speak USP as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant?

While I was pursuing my nursing degree in the late 90s, I was also working on my Spanish degree. Being from North Dakota where few people speak Spanish, Hispanic friends and colleagues often ask me how in the world I learned Spanish. I tell them I just fell in love with the language when I started taking Spanish in the 7th grade. I received my Spanish degree in 1998 and have been speaking Spanish since then.

Vickie Milazzo at Florence Nightingale exhibit

Florence Nightingale 1861 Letters on Exhibit at 2010 National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC®) Conference

Happy International Nurses Day! And, happy birthday to Florence Nightingale – today, May 12, is her birthday. She laid the foundation of professional nursing with the establishment, in 1860, of her nursing school at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London, the first secular nursing school in the world. The annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on her birthday.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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