
Three Things I Choose Not to Do in My CLNC® Business

I choose not to engage in stinking thinking. Thoughts like “I can’t do this…I can’t do that…I wish I could but I can’t” never enter my mind nor do I say them. Positive thoughts and spoken words attract positive happenings in my life and in my CLNC® business, while negative thoughts and spoken words attract negative happenings in your life. I also choose not to listen to dream squashers – you know who they are – individuals who tell you that your ideas or goals are no good and that you are not going to succeed. “Dream squashers be gone” is my motto and it has served me well in my legal nurse consulting business.

I choose not to use nurses who are not CLNC consultants as subcontractors. A group that sings from the same page (same training) is strong and harmonious. As Certified Legal Nurse Consultants we were trained by the best (Vickie) so why look elsewhere for CLNC subcontractors?

I choose not to get in a rut in my CLNC business as I try new things along the way. Perhaps a new way of marketing my CLNC business is in order or overdue. Perhaps locating expert witnesses as part of my CLNC services to attorney-clients or revamping my newsletter makes sense at this time. Whatever it is, not becoming stagnant is important to me and my business. Other business owners might not look at things differently or take the time to step back and reflect on where they want to take their businesses, but not me. Even if you have setbacks along the way remember, Thomas Edison tried 10,000 ways to make his light bulb light before he hit the jackpot. When he was asked how it felt to fail 10,000 times, Edison replied that he did not fail 10,000 times, but rather found 10,000 ways in which his light bulb would not light. My vote is for the Edison way of looking at things. How do you go about looking at things in your life and in your CLNC business?

Guest Blogger Profile

Lawrence H. Frace, RN, CLNC is an independent CLNC consultant with more than 30 years of nursing experience. He is the founder of Spectrum Medical-Legal Consulting in central New Jersey and specializes in medical malpractice cases.

P.S. Comment if you would like to congratulate Larry on his CLNC® success and thank him for sharing how he engages in positive thinking.

7 thoughts on “Three Things I Choose Not to Do in My CLNC® Business

  1. Lawrence, Congratulations on your success with an amazing, positive attitude!!!!!….<3

  2. Thank you so much, Larry, for your inspiring article. I am a new Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and usually always look to the positive, but have found myself saying the same negative things that you mentioned. I think in this world of instant gratification it is easy to look down when things do not happen right away (especially with marketing). Your words have been my pick me up this week. Again, Thank You.

  3. Hey, Larry. You have such a great way of saying things. Ya know, if it weren’t for Edison, we’d all be watching TV by candlelight!!!!! LOL

  4. Thanks Larry for those great words of wisdom! You are a great example of what a person can achieve by moving forward with a positive attitude and keeping your eye on the goal. As nurses we don’t just assess a patient one time; we assess, plan, implement and then evaluate. Then some time later we reassess and go through the entire process again. If we get the desired result the first time then kudos for us, if however we don’t like the results then change what you are doing, then re-evaluating and change the plan. No need to get all down and out about it just change and keep moving. Thanks again.

  5. Larry: strong and confidant message to be sure. How do you market your clients? I am always looking for new ways to ‘re-invent’ myself. Colette

  6. Larry, you’re absolutely correct! The great part is that we all know this, and the sad part is that we let other issues come in our lives (instead of staying on track with our businesses) & before we know it the issues have taken over. End results, a stagnant business, frustration & feeling down.

    Thank you for putting your thoughts into writing. For me it was a very important reminder of what I really want to accomplish, “My successful business!” I know this is what we all want!

    Congratulations Larry with much success!

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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