
Legal Nurse Consultant Blog

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case

My Most Memorable CLNC® Case: I Saved an RN from Going to Trial Based on a Physician’s Misdiagnosis

After reviewing more than 800 medical malpractice cases, one case is most memorable. This case involves a 36-year-old patient who presented to the emergency department (ED) with a chief complaint of a neck injury after a fall from a boat. The RN defendant cared for the patient for a brief period of time in the ED just prior to transfer to a medical nursing unit. The patient was deemed stable by the ED physician prior to transfer. Early the next morning the patient was diagnosed with an acute vertebral artery dissection, locked in syndrome and quadriplegia. The RN who cared for the patient briefly in the ED was alleged to have failed to diagnose her neurological condition.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Legal Nurse Consultants – Put Up the Umbrella and Text!

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants love texting – some more than others. But what is a CLNC amigo to do when they’re caught in a rainstorm and need to group text that fact to their CLNC Alliance members? Easy, they purchase a Brolly text-friendly umbrella. No, the umbrella doesn’t text but it has a specially built 4-finger grip that keeps your thumbs free for the vital purpose of updating your status.

Who Wants a Cupcake? Or Not!

I was little late reading the August issue of National Geographic and I quickly regretted that I missed the cupcake on the cover. Normally I’m immune to cupcakes, but there was something about this one that got my attention. I WANTED that cupcake.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Tame the Social Media Beast

If you’re constantly asking where do all of the hours go, you are the perfect candidate for disconnecting. Smartphone apps make it fun and easier than ever to read our friends’ status updates and to see the photos they’ve posted on Facebook. It makes us feel good when they “like” something we’ve posted or when we’re tagged in one of their photos. That’s one reason social media is so addicting – it’s like experiencing human hugs all day long. Now that you understand why you like it, it’s time to tame the beast and take back your time.

The Real Patient’s Bill of Rights

Every healthcare provider would agree in theory with the “Patient’s Bill of Rights” and the need for them (Yes, there is more than one floating out there). I’ve been educating RNs to become Certified Legal Nurse Consultants for 31 years now and the consensus among these nurses is that there’s the ideal Patient’s Bill of Rights and there’s the “Real Patient’s Bill of Rights.”

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Instant Karma – Just Add Passengers

Some people believe we get the karma we deserve. That may be true, but sometimes we get the karma other people inflict on us. There are two things I like to do when I fly. The first is work on my laptop. The second is rock out to Mark Knopfler or Daft Punk on my iPod while I’m working. My karma must show on my face because when I fly, I seem to attract the two things I detest the most to interfere with what I love.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Is It Time to Redefine Labor?

Call me crazy, but I’m never voluntarily retiring from legal nurse consulting. The only way this Elvis is leaving the building is if my Executive Team tasers me then sets me out on an ice flow. Luckily, between global warming and Houston’s fairly tropical climate, there aren’t many ice flows nearby, so my days of looking over my shoulder for polar bears won’t be happening anytime soon.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants – Are Smartphones Out-Smarting Us?

Any CLNC consultant you ask will tell you that their smartphone is the best thing that’s ever happened to them and their legal nurse consulting business. But, have our smartphones out-smarted us and made us less – instead of more – smart and productive? It’s time to take back your life from your smartphone, recover your common sense and rediscover what it means to be productive.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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