
16 Strategies for Screening Medical-Related Cases Effectively and Efficiently as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

Screening medical-related cases is one of the most important legal nurse consulting services you will provide as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Not only is it one of my favorite CLNC services but it is the first CLNC service you usually provide for new attorney-clients. Do it well and the attorneys keep coming back for more. Here are 16 screening strategies to keep your attorney-clients coming.

How to Set Up a Strong Alliance with Other Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Everyone knows that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant knows at least one, if not more, other CLNC consultants. If you’ve attended one of our CLNC Certification Seminars you’ve made lifelong CLNC friends. When you attend the NACLNC Annual Conference, you reconnect with CLNC consultants from all over the country. But all too often you only do it for those short periods of time. Not everyone capitalizes on their connections to make a strong chain or develop a mini-network.

Nurse Overcame “Professional Bradycardia” as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

There I was nearly nine years ago, suffering from what I now refer to as “professional bradycardia.” I signed up for LegalNurse.com’s CLNC Certification Seminar and had my breath taken away! That 6-day seminar in 2000 was about to change my life forever and ever. However, at the time I only knew it was The Best program I had ever attended as a nurse, bar none!

Free Marketing and an Attitude of Gratitude Will Boost Your CLNC® Business

Free Marketing and an Attitude of Gratitude Will Boost Your CLNC® Business

Every day at our Chicago CLNC® Certification Seminar, the housekeeper left a handwritten thank-you note on my pillow. With that little note, she received a pay raise. The money I was leaving for a tip doubled after that second note. Her simple act of gratitude for a small gratuity led to a larger gratuity.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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