Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Send Reports to Your Attorney-Clients – Not Microsoft

In my last Tuesday Tech Tip I helped Certified Legal Nurse Consultants eliminate annoying pop-up messages that show up above your Windows® System Tray whenever you send a print job, when your computer discovers a wireless network or if your computer simply gets chatty. This week we tackle another of my pet peeves – Windows Error Reporting. I’m certain that everyone out there who is not on a Mac® has enjoyed the experience of having a window pop up in the middle of your work notifying you that some cryptic service or program has failed and asks you if you want to report it to Microsoft®.

Ask Vickie: When to Call for CLNC® Subcontractors

I am learning how to breathe again. You will never believe what happened. I called an attorney’s office last week to get an appointment. I spoke with a receptionist who accidentally sent the attorney-prospect a note saying I needed a consult for a medical malpractice case. He called me and left a message giving me his direct number. So when I heard his message I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I returned his call, got him on the phone and explained that I was a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and explained the CLNC® services I could offer. His firm had just lost their legal nurse consultant. He asked me to come and make a presentation. So I am going to knock this out of the park.

When Your Attorney-Client Asks You the Time, Don’t Tell Him How to Build a Watch

Over the years I’ve run into students at my CLNC® Certification Programs who can’t easily answer a simple question. When you ask them what time it is, they proceed to tell you how to build a watch before they can say “It’s 11:15.” When this happens I want to shout, “Objection, non-responsive!” in the middle of a long, obviously rambling answer that has nothing to do with what I’ve asked them. I’m sure you all know someone like this. Hopefully that person’s not you.

The ability to “answer the question asked” is a quality successful Certified Legal Nurse Consultants must possess. Attorneys are crazy-busy people and don’t have the time to listen to unnecessary details or rambling communications. Attorneys are like the police on the old Dragnet TV series: they want “The facts ma’am, just the facts.” The next time you’re in an interview with an attorney-prospect and he says “Tell me about yourself” he’s not asking you to regurgitate your autobiography; he really wants to know what you’re going to do to help him win his cases.

If you veer off, even just occasionally, start today to retrain the way you think.

Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Needs Business Advice (Sometimes)

Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Needs Business Advice (Sometimes)

As a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, you have an experienced team of CLNC® Mentors available to offer you business advice when you need it. Having this team of powerful and experienced CLNC® Mentors is every CLNC® consultant’s favorite benefit of membership in the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Time to Start Practicing Safer Wireless Surfing

I spend a lot of time in airports. Sometimes it seems that the actual flying is the shortest part of the trip. The greater amount of time is spent getting to the airport, passing through the body-cavity checks and double-TSA pat-downs (I’m a sucker for the pat-downs). Then there’s looking for the closest Starbucks®, food (preferably Popeye’s Chicken) and restrooms (in that order). Eventually I find myself sitting in the airline’s lounge chowing down on free drinks and peanuts or sitting on the floor outside the gate with the rest of the steerage passengers I boot up my laptop and log onto the closest free Wi-Fi signal I can find. Here’s a savvy geek-traveler trip – look for the largest airline club. They often have free Wi-Fi for their members and you can soak up some of the over-flow/leakage just by sitting outside their lounge with your wireless card switched on and sponging off their service.

Empty Calories for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Aren’t Just Limited to Your GI Tract

Tom and I travel a lot which means exposure to lots of different types of meals, over which the quality is often out of our control (sort of). No matter how hard we try we can’t control the amounts of sodium and trans-fats or even get real olive oil for a salad. I have my own vices which include movie popcorn, fried chicken and a good bowl of spaghetti and meatballs.

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Are You Labeling Your Legal Nurse Consulting Tools?

Just about every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant owns a cell phone and some lucky CLNC® consultants even own iPhones® or Droid® phones. More and more of you are purchasing laptop computers for your legal nurse consulting businesses and I’ve even run into a few Certified Legal Nurse Consultants traveling with an iPad®. What’s the common thread here? At one time or another, one of these fellow CLNC® travelers will put down their precious device and walk away from it. It’s not a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when.” It may be at an airport security checkpoint, on an airplane, at a legal conference or even in a restroom.

Other than buying a leash, tether or lanyard for your phone or laptop, what can you do? Easy, get yourself a Brother Home and Office Labeler. At just under $20, this will allow you to print labels of varying sizes. Simply put your name and phone number (Not your mobile number if it’s on your mobile phone – Duh!), maybe your office address (never your home) plus the phrase “Reward for Safe Return” on a label.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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