In the 8/3/21 blog “These 6 Questions Are Guaranteed to Help You Ditch Unnecessary Complexities in Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business,” I shared that this year’s theme is to ditch unnecessary complexities.
One strategy to help you with this goal is to ditch perfectionism. As nurses, perfectionism is not only rewarded, it’s expected. You make a mistake and someone can die. I’m sure those kind of mistakes don’t go over well with your boss either (not to mention the patient). But do your internal documents for your legal nurse consulting business have to be so perfect? Misguided perfectionism can keep you from stepping out and going for the big things for your CLNC® business or it can rob you of enjoying your business and your life.
I’ve been surrounded by perfectionists my entire professional life and I often suffer from the perfectionism obsession myself. Over the years, I’ve had to acknowledge that perfectionism is important for the big things that count (like a report for your attorney-client) but can actually detract from the big important things when applied to small insignificant tasks.
Growing up in New Orleans, Louis Armstrong was an icon. I often think if he had been a perfectionist, we would never have heard him sing “What a Wonderful World.” The great Satchmo came close to perfection as a trumpet player, but his voice, his unique, gravelly voice was certainly untraditional – sometimes not hitting any recognizable notes, sometimes incomprehensible, but ALL THE TIME – his own unique expression of his interpretation of the music. And it wouldn’t BE such a wonderful world without THAT song.
If you think about it, when you’re demanding perfection on the wrong stuff as a legal nurse consultant, you too miss notes, high and low. Then, instead of moving on, you’re sidelined by rejection or imperfection. Now, instead of looking at your attorney-prospect list, you’re looking in the refrigerator. And guess what? Unless you work in the morgue, there are no attorneys in the refrigerator!
Think back to the first attorney who said no to you. Is that so important today? Can you even remember that attorney’s name?
Ditch perfectionism! Lighten up when you pick up the phone for that next attorney call or write that next report. If you don’t get that perfect case, or your perfect attorney-client doesn’t give you those perfect glowing reviews, don’t give up. That’s nothing more than a perfect experience to learn from.
Only you can properly assess where it’s okay to ditch perfectionism in your CLNC business, but do make it a goal. When you ditch perfectionism, you free yourself to spend time on the important and BIG things that will propel your legal nurse consulting business to the next level and keep those attorney-clients coming your way.
Success Is Yours,
P.S. Comment and share one way you ditch perfectionism in your CLNC business.