Courtroom, Movie Theater or a Little of Both?

Courtroom, Movie Theater or a Little of Both?

My friend, Rick Kraemer owns Executive Presentations which creates graphics, animations and more for attorneys. He works with some of the most successful attorneys in the U.S. and they are not afraid to invest big dollars in his work product. Why? Because it’s wickedly effective at trial as evidenced by the amount of repeat business he gets.

Vickie’s Favorite Quotes: Thomas Ziemba

At the risk of sounding somewhat less than visionary, the future is the so-called “Internet of things.” More and more of the devices that support us in our daily life are becoming connected to the Internet or connected to our smartphones and then de facto connected to the Internet.

The Future

The Future of the Nursing Industry

Healthcare inflation is on ice for the first time in years. Technology may well be the answer to keeping healthcare inflation under control permanently. Despite the fact that nursing has come late to the party, the future of the nursing industry is technology. The baby boomers will soon be exiting en masse and opening the door to a generation of young RN graduates who view technology not as something new, but as an extension of themselves.

Tom's Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Legal Nurse Consultants – Put Up the Umbrella and Text!

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants love texting – some more than others. But what is a CLNC amigo to do when they’re caught in a rainstorm and need to group text that fact to their CLNC Alliance members? Easy, they purchase a Brolly text-friendly umbrella. No, the umbrella doesn’t text but it has a specially built 4-finger grip that keeps your thumbs free for the vital purpose of updating your status.

What Can a CLNC® Consultant Learn from a 4-Year-Old?

Tom may be Mr. Tech Tip, but I think the “techies” of the world need a real-world consultant like me. I find technology challenging, daunting and sometimes disturbing. For all the progress we’ve made moving forward, some things are even more difficult than ever.

A New Marketing Strategy for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

You’ve QA’d your legal nurse consulting business, but have you QR’d it? QR, or quick response, codes are all the rage in the advertising world. These are the small images or blocks of computer code you see in magazine ads, boarding passes and newspapers. When you see a QR code, you simply need to focus your smartphone’s camera on it (and have the right app) and it will take you to a webpage selected by the QR code’s author.

Cheap Can Be Expensive for Your Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Everybody, including me, loves a bargain. While I don’t like to actually bargain, I do like to feel that I’ve received value for my money. If I get that value during a sale or find something I want at a heavily discounted price, I’m happy. But one thing I won’t do is buy cheap at the expense of quality. While cheap may feel like a bargain at the time, it often ends up costing more in replacement costs, repairs or in a state of dissatisfaction.

Tom’s Tech Tips

Tom’s Tuesday Tech Tip: Are Gold-Plated Cables Worth Their Weight in Gold?

I was unpacking my portable printer and I realized that my USB printer cable had gone walkabout, probably left behind on a recent trip. However, this was not entirely bad news, my CLNC® amigos. This gave me a perfect excuse to drop by my favorite computer store, not just to grab a new cable, but to also wander the aisles with tech-lust in my heart and the company AMEX in my hand.

The ADHD Jury – Fact, Fiction or Opportunity for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants?

A recent article in Lawyers USA titled “When Jurors Zone Out” claims that trial attorneys assume that they must treat all jurors under the age of 30 (some attorneys say under 40) as if they have ADHD. This isn’t a medical diagnosis, but an assessment based on behavior during voir dire and at trial. It doesn’t make someone with ADHD a bad juror, but it does create special challenges for the attorney trying to present a complex medical-related case. Some attorneys are even making decisions on whether or not to take a case to trial based in part on whether the subject matter will be of interest to a jury and whether the case can be presented simply and relatively quickly.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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