You Don’t Have to be Slow to Be a Mindful Legal Nurse Consultant

You Don’t Have to be Slow to Be a Mindful Legal Nurse Consultant

My husband, Tom jokes with me that I have two speeds – fast and off. It’s true that I work fast and that I have an innate way of grasping a concept and moving forward with it. I can also switch back and forth between complex issues with a speed and mindfulness that baffles others. At the end of the day though, that speed catches up with me and I switch to off, usually right after a glass of healthy red wine. During the day, I move like quicksilver – the legal nurse consulting world moves rapidly and we need to stay ahead of it.

Are You Living Your Dreams or Just Dreaming Them?

31 years ago, when I dreamed of starting my own legal nurse consulting business, the dream in and of itself was exciting. But a dream can be nothing more than vapor and can even make us miserable if we are not acting on the dream. While a dream is the genesis of any undertaking, mindfulness in executing the dream is the stuff of what real CLNC success is made of.

The Best Christmas “Present” Ever for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

As this holiday season comes into full bloom, with only four days left until Christmas and the inevitable aftermath of torn wrapping paper and dirty dinner dishes, I’d like to take a moment to discuss the best Christmas “present” you can give yourself. That present is being present – present in the moment with full attention and intention, not living with an eye on the past or looking to the future. It means living fully in the current moment – whether that moment is with your family, friends, legal nurse consulting business or attorney-clients.

Empty Calories for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants Aren’t Just Limited to Your GI Tract

Tom and I travel a lot which means exposure to lots of different types of meals, over which the quality is often out of our control (sort of). No matter how hard we try we can’t control the amounts of sodium and trans-fats or even get real olive oil for a salad. I have my own vices which include movie popcorn, fried chicken and a good bowl of spaghetti and meatballs.

Are You Practicing Legal Nurse Consulting Mindfulness?

I’ve told you about the bamboo that highlights my morning tea time. Lately there’s been a pair of northern cardinals living in the bougainvillea growing outside my living room windows. They’re a matched set, a male and female, and whenever they appear, they bring a joyful mindfulness to my day, reminding me that life is good. I used to think they mate for life (like me) but found out that it’s more likely just for one season. I also learned that during the wooing process the male will not only sing to the female, but he’ll bring her seeds and feed them to her beak-to-beak. I’m still waiting to see that action (and I don’t mean from Tom).

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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