
Korean Women Can Now Learn What Strengths are Inside Every Woman!

Today is such an exciting day! I received four copies of the Korean translation of my book Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now. The cover is so different from any of the other translations of the book and seeing a new cover is one of the most fun things about the foreign translations.

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Fusion

Nurses have the strength of fusion. When a patient arrests, your team comes together and fuses like a single entity to do whatever is needed to code the patient successfully. Why not use this strength of fusion to code yourself? The more audacious your goals the more you will need other people to help you achieve those goals. This means surrounding yourself with strong, successful people of integrity to keep you, and your dream, alive.

What Do Over 650 Million Chinese Women Have in Common with You?

Here’s some fun news. I just received four new copies of Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now, my Wall Street Journal bestselling book and here’s the best part: these books are written in Chinese! You may know that there are seven traditional Chinese languages and myriad dialects within those languages. But did you know that all Chinese share the same written language? This means that the power of Inside Every Woman is now accessible to more than 650 million women in China and Tom says it wouldn’t hurt the men to read it either! I’m excited it already has 5-star reviews.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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