
Discover What’s Inside Every Woman on International Women’s Day

Sunday, March 8 is International Women’s Day and we’re celebrating the achievements of women, economically, socially and politically. Wherever you are and whatever you plan to celebrate, I’ll bet that your life is probably a lot like mine – crazy busy with your legal nurse consulting business, your family, the myriad responsibilities in your life with little time left for celebrating, much less time for your women friends.

On International Women’s Day, take a pause to contemplate not just your achievements, but also what it means to be a woman and what it means to be surrounded by your women friends. Consciously, make the effort to surround yourself with your best women friends. If you don’t have any, find them – they’re there if you look hard enough.

Keep your life lean and positive. Dump any friend (man, woman or relative) who doesn’t genuinely support you by coming from a negative or grasping space. True friends won’t always agree with your every action or decision, but you want your friends to be a force of good in your life – not a detour to the dark side.

Remember to make time for your friends. We all like to be spontaneous but let’s face it, we’re busy. So schedule, schedule, schedule: an early morning walk, lunch or a glass of wine after work. Even a weekend sleepover might be fun. (Your husband will love you for this one.) My best high school friend from New Orleans and I occasionally go off together for a WWA (women’s weekend alone). We find it strengthens our friendship and restores that bond (especially after two martinis). Sometimes she’ll visit me at my home and other times I’ll go to hers. What matters is the connection. My home is always open to my friends and it’s always renewing to have them stay with me.

Friendship doesn’t cost anything and it means everything. Be a best friend today. If you want to learn how to make even more of your friendships, read my Chapter on Fusion in my book, Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now. You will never be the same once you fused with a group of strong, independent, successful, supportive women.

Take a moment today to honor and celebrate your womanness, and the womanness of all the women in your life. It would be a much different world without us (not to mention a lot messier).

Success Is Inside!

P.S. Comment and share how you are celebrating International Women’s Day with the special women in your life.

2 thoughts on “Discover What’s Inside Every Woman on International Women’s Day

  1. What a terrific blog topic! Because the majority of nurses are mostly women, I think we truly have been our own worst enemies. Not only have I been guilty of this but I hear other people say “I’m just a nurse” when asked about their careers.

    We aren’t JUST nurses! We are NURSES and WOMEN, and yes – we do it all.

    Not only are we bringing home the bacon these days, but most women have to fry up that bacon and clean the pan too.

    It is so important to dump the friends (and sometimes family) if those people are unable to support you. Too often women feel like they must accommodate everyone and make everyone else happy before they can even think about their own life. That is sooo unhealthy.

    I’ve been fortunate to find a group of nurses (and legal nurse consultants) that have renewed my spirit. That isn’t to say that they won’t tell the truth, even if it hurts. But they do it out of love and respect because they want everyone to achieve their dreams and become the best person they can be. I’d rather take that any day than surround myself with people that won’t tell me the truth or those that don’t want to help me become a better person.

    Nothing is going to be handed to us on a platter. We have to go out there and make it happen. We are only limited by our own fears.

    Like you say Vickie, We are NURSES and WE CAN DO ANYTHING!®

  2. My frugal aunt sent me a box of odds and ends hoping that I could use some of the items. One item caught my eye, a white plaque with a dusty rose covering surrounded by gold trim with a poem inscribed on it. “That Woman Is a Success” written in fancy gold lettering caught the light just right and beamed.

    I trust that this plaque served someone well. Who knows how many women have looked upon those shiny golden words and believed. How many walls has it graced as a reminder to continue to grow and pursue dreams. The plaque made its way into my life and is now displayed on my “ego wall” as a reminder of what is important. I consider it borrowed and that it will make its way into someone else’s life and grace their wall with eloquent words of wisdom.

    That Women Is a Success
    Who has an appreciation of the world around her and of her unique place in it…
    Who has the capacity to give of herself and to accept graciously the gifts of others…
    Who has a commitment to both her work and the time she sets aside for play…
    Who has the enthusiasm to welcome each new day with warmth and joy and love.

    (Well said Jennifer. I have found many kindred spirits since Atlanta in October, 2005. Thanks Vickie for bringing out in me and others what is already “Inside Every Woman.”)

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*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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