
Dive Deep as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant

With the 2013 NACLNC Conference Cruise coming we all have the chance to go scuba diving in Cozumel, Mexico home to some of the best snorkeling and diving you’ll ever experience. The upcoming Cruise reminds me of a personal story I wrote about how I learned to flex my agility and dive deep. Here it is.

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, Can You Care Too Much?

There’s nothing worse than someone who cares so little about their job that they put themselves into the space of mediocrity. You know the person, it’s the nurse who drifts through the shift, not extending herself beyond what’s barely necessary to get through to the end of the day. No thought, no effort, no engagement. Content to be mediocre day after day after day.

Don’t Turn Legal Nurse Consulting into a Hunger Game

I choose to step into the world of success because I don’t enjoy the alternative. I like my success wicked, that is exaggerated and unprecedented. If you choose to step into the world of success in your CLNC business, there will be days you’ll feel like you’re in the Hunger Games where:

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Fusion

Nurses have the strength of fusion. When a patient arrests, your team comes together and fuses like a single entity to do whatever is needed to code the patient successfully. Why not use this strength of fusion to code yourself? The more audacious your goals the more you will need other people to help you achieve those goals. This means surrounding yourself with strong, successful people of integrity to keep you, and your dream, alive.

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Endurance

Nurses have the strength of endurance. How else would you get through those 12-hour shifts? You work on your feet, you eat on your feet, you think on your feet. Sure – you get to sit down at least once a shift – when you go to the bathroom. Wait a minute – nurses don’t sit, right? We squat – we ain’t touching nothing. But how do you fuel your endurance when the doctor wants it yesterday, your kids want it today and…your spouse wants it tonight?

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Integrity

Did you know that the most trusted profession is nursing? No surprises there. Nurses are the patients’ advocates. Patients know who’s watching their backs. Watching out for the patient, standing up for the patient, protecting the patient – this is our primary role. And that requires integrity above all else. You have the strength of integrity.

Success Strengths for Certified Legal Nurse Consultants: Intuitive Vision

Intuitive vision is about connecting with your imagination, paying attention, trusting, perhaps experimenting a little, and seeing where that takes you. You have the strength of intuitive vision. How often do you make a diagnosis even before the doctor does? You don’t need lab reports or X rays. How often have you not followed your “gut” and regretted it? You intuitively know what needs to be done. And you do it every day, day after day.

*The opinions and statements made by Vickie Milazzo, the founder of Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc. are based on her experiences and expertise, should not be applied beyond the specific context provided, and do not guaranty or project actual results. Vickie Milazzo is no longer involved in the operations or management of the business, but is involved as an independent education consultant.

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